9 fascinating facts about Vikings
From their customs to their conquests, there’s a lot to learn about Vikings. Here are just a few fun facts you never knew before.
#1 In the ancient Norse language, “viking” meant “pirate raid”

#2 Unlike a lot of other contemporary Europeans, Vikings had exemplary hygiene
They bathed once a week and they used a variety of pruning tools such as razors, tweezers and combs

#3 Despite the common portrayal, the vikings never actually wore horned helmets
Such an image most likely appeared in the imagination of 19th-century painters.

#4 Vikings were no strangers to societal beauty standards. Men who were born brunette would often bleach their hair to fit in with their brethren

#5 There is no viking history as told by the norse pillagers themselves
Most of what is known about them is documented by the people they fought or conquered

#6 Skiing is far from being just a pastime of the modern middle class
The practice is more than 5000 years old and was first invented by Scandinavian people. Vikings themselves enjoyed the activity for fun as well as used it as a way of travel.

#7 20% of the English language is derived from Old Norse
Some words that have this origin are anger, ugly, weak, skull, and slaughter

#8 The symbol for Bluetooth is actually the name of a Viking king written in the runes of his time
The famous Bluetooth sign is a combination of two runes.

#9 At one point in history, a Viking king ruled over England for 5 years

Do you know any other interesting facts about Vikings? Which of these facts surprised you the most?
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