10 facts about the most romantic creatures of the animal kingdom
Animals can have the most beautiful emotions towards their partner, and they indeed know how to express them. Enjoy these lovely pictures of animal romance, enriched with 10 heart-touching facts.
#1 Elephants live in families for all their life and know their relatives – even grandparents. Though they live in matriarchal groups, a male will always protect the female who is carrying his child

#2 Male tigers fearlessly defend their mating partner and may even kill for them

#3 Lovebirds mate for life and like feeding each other to feel closer. They get severely depressed if their partner dies

#4 Bonobos spend a lot of time with their partner, playing romantic games and building a strong family together

#5 Before mating, a male giraffe may be walking around the female he's chosen for several days, waiting for the right time.

#6 Wolves are family-oriented – a pack usually consists of an alpha male and female and their offspring from different years

#7 Most penguins are monogamous. Loving parents take turns keeping their eggs warm.

#8 Lions are the most social big cats – they live in close family groups, hunt and defend their territory together. Females usually do most of the hunting.

#9 To attract a fertile female, a male horse adopts an imposing posture to show the muscles of his shoulders and chest. The most beautiful part of horse courtship is a circle dance performed by a male.

#10 In courtship, swans perform mating dances, swim synchronously and sing together. After that, they are bonded for life.

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