12 adorable dogs that look like teddy bears

In this post, we will be sharing pictures of dogs that look exactly like life-sized teddy bears. We believe these creatures make the best cuddle partners in the world. Get ready for cuteness overload!

Would you adopt a dog that looks like a teddy bear? Which one of these 12 teddy bear dogs did you find the most attractive? Tell us in the comments!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Half the pictures did not show
May 2, 2024 7:59PM
Elsy O. Stromberg
#7 definitely looks like a bear.
Mar 3, 2024 12:06PM
james parrillo
#6 looked most like a teddy bear to me. #5 looked the happiest. I did not realize the first four were toys. Thank you, Christine, James' wife
Oct 14, 2022 10:06PM
Some of the small ones look more like toys than pets.
Oct 11, 2022 4:53PM
Carol Moore
Does anyone know what kind of dog is in picture #7?
Sep 21, 2022 8:31PM
Cuteness overload! Are they all chows? Just precious! My first dog was a chow/shepherd mix! All black but not as fluffy! She lived for 14 years. 😊👍
Oct 9, 2021 7:26PM
Caroline Weis
I love the first four pictures. They are so cute and cuddly. Those are the teacup version of cuteness.
Jan 23, 2021 3:24AM
Susan Hodson
Why are the first 4 on here? Sure they are cute but they aren't even real live dogs. They are toys.
Dec 29, 2020 6:43PM
Susan Hodson
Raymond Cardona, They are not real dogs :-(
Dec 29, 2020 6:42PM
Leticia Olsen
😍I like all of them but I wouldn’t have to own one of them because it’s to much attention to be given and I won’t be able to afford all the maintenance. I used to have King Charles Cavalier but suffered of cancer of the prostate and died of heart attacked. It was too much.🥲
Dec 29, 2020 3:59AM
Julie Allen
Alicia Szot, Unlike people who dump them at shelters.
Dec 29, 2020 2:33AM
I especially like #1 and #3. They are adorable. :)
Dec 29, 2020 1:55AM
Agnes Forder
Looks nice when someone else has them - far too much work grooming for this senior
Dec 28, 2020 8:38PM
Lorna Lake
I adopted 2 older Chows - they were truly magical and I adored them both. Happy memories. And so very cuddly.
Dec 28, 2020 7:58PM
Lourdes Ayala
I love the looks and personality of the Chow!
Dec 28, 2020 6:24PM


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