13 amazing facts to blow your mind!
Who wants to learn some knowledge? Here are 13 amazing facts to blow your mind.
Some facts about everything in the world!
#1 Peanut Butter
Under extremely high-pressure peanut butter can be turned into diamonds.

#2 Princess and the Frog
After the movie “Princess and the Frog” came out, more than 50 children in the US were hospitalized with salmonella poisoning from kissing frogs.
#3 Students and Stairs
In 2010, the Technical University of Munich built four-story-high slides to help students get to classes faster instead of taking the stairs.
#4 Diet Coke Can Swim
A can of Diet Coke will float in water, while a can of regular Coke sinks. Try it!
#5 Magic Number
If you take any number and double it, add six, divide it in half, and subtract the number that you started with, your answer is always three.
#6 Jackie Chan
When Jackie Chan was 18, he got into a street fight with bikers where, shortly after, he noticed a piece of bone sticking out of his knuckle. He tried spending an entire day pushing it back in until he realized that it wasn’t his bone, it was the other guy’s tooth.
#7 Super Smart Orangutang

In 1967, an orangutan named Fu Manchu repeatedly escaped from his cage at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Nebraska using a key that he fashioned out of a piece of wire. The reason that he kept getting away with it was because every time the zookeepers inspected him Fu Manchu would hide the key in his mouth.
#8 Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was originally meant to be a gift to the Egyptians from France, but when it was refused, it was given to American instead, in honor of her centennial.

#9 Lonely ATM
Vatican City is home to the world’s only ATM that gives instructions in Latin.
#10 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

In Australia, there are trees that grow several different kinds of fruit, known as “fruit salad trees”.
#11 Scientific Pizza

In 2013, Scottish scientists created a pizza that has 30% of your daily recommended nutrients. It can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
#12 Russian Stray Dogs
In Moscow, stray dogs have learned to commute from the suburbs to the city, scavenge for food, then catch the train home in the evening.
#13 Surprising Human Brain
The human brain has a negativity bias causing us to continually look for bad news. It’s an evolutionary trait that serves from early humans as a survival mechanism.

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