Furry villains that are far too sweet to get mad at

Today, we'll share some of the sweetest photos that show that despite the fact that these terrorists are limitless in their actions, they're just too sweet for us to get mad at them.

While we often adore our pretty cats, it's not uncommon to find that these furry villains never have any boundaries. They're the owners of the house and we often find ourselves being told clearly where our place stands as the guests in "their own house". For instance, they love to stay in the refrigerator!

However, no matter how much of a rascal they may seem, we just can't stop loving them.

Which of these cats had the most attitude? And if you've also got a cat, share some of the relatable similar moments you experienced!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
The cat with his leg in the crack of the refrigerator door made me nervous! I had a cat who went round & round in the dryer for a few seconds before I realized what that banging noise was. (He was fine) One that went behind the bottom panel of the dishwasher door when it was open & was there a few minutes after I shut the door until I noticed the bulge. (He was fine) And one that was trapped under my hubby's recliner when he put the foot rest down. (He was fine) I really do believe that they have at least nine lives & I now know why the say "Curiosity killed the cat".
Jan 27, 2021 8:06PM
Donna Cyr
OMG the cat tracks next to the yellow line had me rolling
Jan 29, 2021 3:11AM
The cat straightening the art work was the best.
Jan 28, 2021 1:05AM
Alana King
flanderschristy, My cat once got stuck behind the washing machine. (He was fine) But it was because he couldn't find his way back out again. Dad had to move the washing machine out to rescue him.
Jun 5, 2024 8:54PM
bina sarmah, You are right, I didn't notice that before.
Aug 26, 2023 9:17PM
tbear, TOTALLY.💜🐾
Aug 26, 2023 9:16PM
Pat Lord Lawson, lol. That's very sweet that your cat helped out.
Aug 26, 2023 9:14PM
Leticia Olsen, They also give us a lot of love & it's good for them too. 2 or of 3 of mine are rescues -- Kenji was homeless before he was fostered extremely well & he is the most loving. He appreciates & loves everything, etc.
Aug 26, 2023 9:13PM
mikejones, Hope they were ok.
Aug 26, 2023 9:10PM
Bernice Sartori, I agree, they do. They are part of the family, they are kids with fur.🐾💜
Aug 26, 2023 9:09PM
Cindy Ursan, I agree, I have 3kitty boys. Wow what a big family.
Aug 26, 2023 9:08PM
flanderschristy, Glad your kitty kids were ok. That's scary! My calico many years ago crawled into the refridge & I had to drag her out. My very loving all grey kitty boy, Kenji goes into the cabinet where his dry food is & I have occasionally heard him ir his baby brother (not related), Tashi that is a Himilayan with chocolate points, the baby of the family has let me know that his big brother was in the cabinet again.🐾
Aug 26, 2023 9:07PM
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story about furry villains. I have 3 boys myself. My favorites are -- #1 -- The cat stealing the Eggo, #4 -- The cat's arm in the refridge with the sign & #5 -- The cat helping to straighten out the pictures. I love all of them, they are GREAT iha a Calico a long time ago that crawled in the refridge & I had to literally drag her out.
Aug 26, 2023 9:02PM
Pat Lord Lawson
lmoores, mine did that in my bedroom just this morning!
Jan 27, 2023 6:21PM
Jacqui Halvorson
Absolutely adorable! Every one!!😽💕
Nov 11, 2022 8:13PM
Paula Salem
All of those are adorable ❤️
Mar 12, 2022 6:08PM
Cindy Ursan
We have 9 cats, all rescues. What personalities they have!! They make us laugh and fill us with love every single day!
Dec 12, 2021 4:08AM
Bernice Sartori
My life is greatly enriched by my 2 fur babies. They keep me laughing!
Oct 5, 2021 7:34AM


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