Interesting facts about raspberries – the world’s most delicate fruit

Do you like raspberries? Have you ever thought of the ways of keeping them from going moldy so darn fast? Than this video is specially for you.

This summer is closer than you think! It’s time to remember your favorite fruits and berries and imagine how they taste and smell. Have you done this? Then, it’s time to learn something new about one of the most wonderful and fragile fruit – raspberry.

Do you know how does it grow? How do people pick it? And why are raspberries touched "just once" by human hands before you buy them? Find it out in this amazing video by "How does it grow?" team.


Do you like raspberry? Have you learnt anything new from this video? Share your opinion in the comments below.

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Jon R Wagner
During WW2, when I lived in Potter Valley, 17 miles NE of Ukiah, CA in Mendicino County, CA, the banks of the Russian River were lined solid with the sweetest, blackberry briars. We used to pick them by the buckets full to make jam and fantastic blackberry pies. The source of the Russian River was in Potter Valley where water was piped through the mountains from the Eel River, with a hydroelectric power plant providing electricity to the entire valley. In the fall and winter Steelhead Salmon would migrate up the river to spawn in the numerous creeks throughout the valley. Locals would illegally gaff them with barbed gaffs on long bamboo poles as the jumped or attempted to swim up the concrete apron of the 4-5' high dams built to slow down the flow. The RR ran all the way to the Pacific at Drake's Bay just North of San Francisco.
Feb 6, 2017 8:35PM
Ian Swindale
I simply love them with cream or ice cream or sugar. Being diabetic I know I shouldn't take sugar but I'm 77 so what the hell
Feb 14, 2019 4:27PM
Marian Spitzig
My absolute favorite! A dear friend of mine has a small bramble at the edge of their yard. Their kids really do a job of picking and eating them! They would run to me saying they had some or hand me a container
Jul 9, 2024 5:41PM
Pierre Poirier
Ian Swindale, i am diabetic too. But raspberries taste too good to add anything to them..
Jan 6, 2022 4:42PM
Pierre Poirier
This is my favorite fruit. They don’t last long enough in my home for me to eorry about mold.
Jan 6, 2022 4:40PM
Steve Tingle
I have one raspberry plant in my garden,, not planted by me so I leave the few berries it produces each year for the birds who gave it to me (actually I keep forgetting to check when they are ripe, which is what happens to most of my soft fruit).
Nov 4, 2021 11:09AM
Adriana Zuliani
In Europe they grow naturally along dusty country’s roads. I used to eat them when I was walking by with other children. They were very nice and fresh!
Nov 15, 2019 11:35PM
Susan Golebiewski
Raspberries need a soft touch when picking. Do not wadh your raspberries until ready to eat.
Aug 11, 2019 8:35PM
Jennifer Dyster
My brother in law grows beautiful raspberries and tay berres logan berries American brambleberries boyson berries and many others. You pick and eat on the same day or the next. If you wish to keep they go on an oven tray into the freezer till hard and then they can be bagged and not stick together.
Jul 12, 2019 1:15AM
David Holmes
Carol Bedrossian, please see my reply to Pat Larsen Gunn.
Jan 16, 2019 3:49AM
David Holmes
Pat Larsen Gunn, Fowler's Modern English Usage gives learnt and learned as past tense and past participle of learn. Learned is also given as an adjective. (the learned Council etc as used in a court of law)
Jan 16, 2019 3:46AM
Ian Swindale
Yummy I adore raspberries
Oct 4, 2018 5:56AM
Margie Champagne
Enjoyed the learning not to wash Intel your ready to eat them
Aug 18, 2018 7:03PM
Ian Swindale
Raspberries - truly yummy!!
Jul 11, 2018 6:31AM
Luis Perez
Quite interesting.
Jun 24, 2018 6:24PM
Jacqueline Tattam
wmcbhere, no comments from mean spirited bigots make people sick.
Jun 13, 2018 12:28AM


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