5 cool facts about the Milky Way
How much do we actually know about our galactic home? In this article, you will find some of the most impressive and little-known Milky Way facts.
5 bizarre ways animals see the world
Sh. Chap
Some creatures see better than we do, some have poorer vision, some just see differently and can observe things we're not aware of. Read on to find out a little bit more about how animals see the world.
Top 5 dangerous things you can eat
Besides Japan's famous dangerous delicacy, the fugu, many foods commonly eaten in different parts of the world can be deadly. Some of them may even be in your diet, but don't worry – let's find out when and why ordinary products can become a menace.
Why do cats stare at nothing? 6/14/2020
Cats do many things that surprise us – besides being extremely smart, playful and cute, they can act strange sometimes. If you ever wondered why cats stare at nothing or at the walls like they saw a ghost there, this article will give you the answer.
How do mirages occur? 6/14/2020
The mirage phenomenon has thrown many travelers into confusion. While people of the past were frightened and baffled by this natural wonder, today's science can easily explain it.
5 animals with incredibly long lifespans
Besides humans, what are some of the longest-living creatures on our planet?
Little-known facts about narwhals, wonderful unicorn whales
Dean Braun
They are one of the most mysterious marine creatures. Why do narwhals have such unusual tusks? How do they survive in the Arctic? Let's find out.
Snowflakes – close-up pictures and little-known facts 5/25/2020
These tiny snow crystals are thought to be one of the finest and most beautiful creations of nature. Whether you like winter and snow or not, these 6 amazing snowflake facts might surprise you.
Animals whose appearance is really surprising
Nature is unpredictable in its creativity. Indeed, take a look at these animals and they will definitely improve your mood!
5 unbelievable facts about members of the avian kingdom 5/22/2020
These beautiful feathered creatures live everywhere people do, but we still don't know a lot about them. You've definitely never heard these 5 bizarre bird facts – read on to get surprised.