9 healthy eating rules that actually don't work

There is so much information about healthy diet on the internet and on TV, but are these pieces of advice useful? Let's debunk some of the most popular healthy eating myths together.

Do you try to eat healthy? Have you ever followed any of these rules? Which fact surprised you the most?

Tell us in the comments below!

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#Science #Society #health #food


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Anita Demirdjian-Sahakian
cymruwoolley, what,really?
Jan 8, 2025 3:37PM
I'm over 80 and haven't drunk a glass of water in last 50ys,
Feb 20, 2024 5:26AM
Terrence Smith
Thanks for the info, learned a few things
May 21, 2023 5:25PM
Elsy O. Stromberg
Emma Alabaster , Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, eat a minimum of meat and carbs, avoid sweets and fried foods, and exercise daily.
Sep 14, 2022 11:13AM
Barb Beck
If organic foods are so much better than regular food....WHY is it more expensive? I try and eat a balanced diet, and go to the gym for most if my exercise.
Feb 27, 2022 4:21PM
Doris Dallaire
Eating a balanced diet which includes lots of fruit and vegetables, junk food rarely, not too much alcohol will be the best way to keep your weight down and remain healthy.
Dec 12, 2021 7:23PM
Nicholas Miernicki
Where are people picking up all these sundry toxins, so that they are required to "detoxify" themselves with expensive products? You know your body has systems that can dispose of the toxins that are the normal by-products of of our cellular activity without resorting to smoothies. My favorite were the pads that people were sticking on the soles of their feet to "draw out the toxins and heavy metals". I think it was actually their brain cells that were being drawn out by the pads. Oh well, fools and their money are soon parted,
Aug 24, 2021 8:02PM
Emma Alabaster
Charmaine Eberman Skemp Martelli, True! But we all make the occasional typo, from time to time. Even me and I'm nearly prefect! (Just kidding)
Mar 12, 2020 7:53AM
Emma Alabaster
I'd love it if someone were to come up with a few diet rules that are true and actually work. I'm fed up of all this myth busting. I knew all of these already. I'd like to know what I CAN do, not what I shouldn't do to lose weight and be healthy!
Mar 12, 2020 7:51AM
Don Coon
I did not believe in the low carb thing either until I tried the dying thing, ( and according to my wife I could not even get that right}, but long story short a hail Mary plan and 7 months later I am down 107 lbs and counting. I am not saying it works for everyone but it is worth a try I mean what have you gotta lose except the weight.
Nov 1, 2019 10:01AM
Vladimir Orozco
I use good common sense hen comes to my eating habits, I never felt for the believe of “organic” foods. Love the skin of the chicken an maintain a healthy weight.
Jul 30, 2019 4:53PM
Michael Garmaise
LWV, I am writing on July 5. They must have gone back and corrected the spelling.Lynda Walsh Vanderkooi,
Jul 5, 2019 11:27AM
Oh, forgot that all important carbon!
Jun 25, 2019 12:22PM
My son and I say everything is "organic" because organic is oxygen, carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, and hydrogen. We are all made of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen as are most of our fruit and veggies. It's just a cost gimmick. This just proves it.
Jun 25, 2019 12:21PM
Lynda Walsh Vanderkooi
I looked I saw weight spelled right, so not sure what’s the problem?Charmaine Eberman Skemp Martelli,
Jun 4, 2019 4:49PM


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