History is being made right now: meet Karen Uhlenbeck, the first woman to win Abel Prize
In 2019, Abel prize for mathematics was awarded to a female scientist for the first time. Learn more about Karen Uhlenbeck and her extraordinary contribution to women's history.
What is Abel prize?

A glimpse into history: women and prestigious science awards

The Fields Medal, the maths' closest analog to the Nobel, was given to a woman only once – in 2014, it went to Maryam Mirzakhani from Iran. With respect to such statistics, Uhlenbeck's triumph may be considered an important historical event.
Karen's story
When she entered the university, Karen majored in physics, but later switched to math. Her love to both these fields led Uhlenbeck to the theories that have revolutionized the understanding of the intersection of mathematics and physics. Karen is one of the founders of the field of geometric analysis.
The prize
Karen now is a role model for every young woman interested in science. She made history, and may be rightfully considered one of the most remarkable female scientists of all time.
What do you think of Karen's contribution to history? What other women of our time inspire you?
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