How do hurricanes get their beautiful feminine names?
Annually hundreds of tropical cyclones, tornado cyclones, hurricanes and sandstorms appear on Earth. We obtain disturbing messages about disasters all over the planet from the TV or radio. Have you noticed those destructive creatures always have feminine names? It may seem quite absurd, that is why we decided to clarify the matter for our dear readers!
Hurricanes are supposed to be given names in order to not to mix them up while there are lots of them destructing the planet simultaneously. Misunderstanding in forecasts can be fatal. Before the naming system appeared hurricanes used to get their names accidentally. Sometimes a hurricane was named in honor of a saint in whose day the misfortune occurred.
During World War Two air-force and naval meteorologists of the USA were monitoring tropical cyclones from North-West part of the Pacific ocean.
By 1950 the first naming system appeared. At first in was based on the military alphabet, but in 1953 it was decided to get back to feminine names. Eventually, the system was used for different types of cyclones.
In case the cyclon is horribly destructive, its name is removed from the list never to be used again. For example, the name KATRINA is not supposed to be repeated again.
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