Only people with high IQ know if these surprising facts are real or fake
Do you really understand the importance of fact-checking? Can you tell if these interesting facts are true or false? Test your trivia IQ with this short test!
Try to guess if the facts below are true or false. Click on the image to see the right answer and explanation.
True. As it turns out, gravity has only little to do with the process of swallowing. Food doesn't simply fall down the throat, a lot of work is done by the pharyngeal muscles. They push the food and liquids into the esophagus. Anyway, it's dangerous to swallow food standing on the head.
False. Octopuses have three hearts. The first one circulates blood round the body, and the other two hearts (branchial hearts) pump it through the gills.
False. There is a popular legend that the Apollo astronauts saw the Wall from the Moon, but in reality it's hardly visible even from law Earth orbit. the Great Wall of China is too narrow to be visible from space with the naked eye.
True. There are 10 times more stars in the night sky than grains of sand in the world's and beaches. And it's only the observable universe!
False. Jonathan, a Seychelles giant tortoise, is 186-187 years old (as of 2019). It's the oldest known living terrestrial animal in the world.
False. Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune have rings.
True. Actually, a single arm can regenerate the whole body.
False. The total weight of ants in actually greater.
False. Dogs regulate their body temperature by panting, but they sweat through their footpads.
True. Dinosaurs went extinct around 64.8 million years before humans appeared on the planet.
False. Alcohol doesn't kill brain cells, it only damages them.
True. It takes about 18 to 36 months for a pineapple plant to grow and yield fruit that can be harvested.
How many did you get right? Which fact surprised you the most? Do you have any other interesting facts to add to this list?
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