These 5 crucial events happened in the blink of an eye
If you ever wanted to pick an event in history to be part of, what would it be? While this may seem hard to decide, we think it would be something worth having a go at. Legend has it that some particular events happened so fast, they only lasted less than a second!
We’ll be sharing some of these incidents with you in this post.
#1 Asteroid Slams The Earth

First, did you know that 66 million years ago, a mountain-sized asteroid moving at 40000 miles an hour slammed the earth and destroyed everything within a 600 miles radius in the blink of an eye? We bet you wouldn't want to be part of this. The aftereffect was the extinction of dinosaurs and 75% of species on earth
#2 Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination

After getting shot by a .44 calibre derringer pistol, it took 9 hours for Lincoln to die. However, when the gun was fired, it took less than a second for the bullet to hit him. And no, this is not something we would wish to go back in time and experience.
#3 Switch On The Light Edison

On 31st December 1879, Edison flipped the switch and boom! There was light. Electric current raced to light up a vacuum at 186,000 miles per second. It would have been such a beautiful sight, we might actually consider going back for this.
Imagine the look on Edison’s face after realizing that he had just made an incredible invention at the time. Don’t worry Thomas, you only just flipped the switch.
#4 Hiroshima and Nagasaki Catastrophe

Let us introduce you to two deadly bombs - Little Boy and Fat Man - used to effect massive destruction in Japan during WWII in 1945. Both bombs, which were deployed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively, set up a series of chain reactions in about a millionth of a second! To think that the havoc wreaked led to the death of over 40,000 lives in less than the blink of an eye is almost unbelievable.
#5 Search Engine Results In A Flash

Gone are the days when searching for queries on AskJeeves and Lycos seemed like it took forever. Now, with Google and other modern day search engines in the picture, results take far less than a second to come up. Whoever cares what goes into making an algorithm that’s able to speed up searches as long as it saves us our precious time?
So, how do you feel about going back to experience some of these events? If you know any other occurrence that isn’t on our list, feel free to mention them in the comment section below.
If you know the events listed in the article well, you will easily ace these fun trivia questions:
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