You'll be surprised to learn what the most expensive liquids are

What makes Chanel №5 so expensive? Why is king cobra venom highly valued? Some liquids have outrageous prices, however, everything has the explanation. Here you'll find 8 liquids which price per gallon will surprise you.

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#Science #knowledge


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Jerry Myers
Insulin was given to the University of Toronto by the inventors for 1 dollar... Eli Lily synthesized it and that costs 300 dollars per bottle in the US. It was about 25 dollars in 1989. Why so much? because they have a monopoly and charge whatever the market will bear. If you are dying of diabetes without it... How much is it worth? They keep "evergreening" the patent so they have another 37 years to go on the patent if the government does not intervene. As patents are created by the law, not nature, the law can and should be changed. That would help drive down prices if laws against other monopolistic actions are enforced. Given past governmental action, I would not expect much change until we have a new administration that works for the people instead of corporate monopolists and oligarchs.
Feb 14, 2020 5:40PM
Linda Spreng
I must be totally dense. I will never understand why a company will charge the highest price possible when the cost is comparably minimal. Oh, okay, I forgot ... GREED. Silly me ...
Feb 14, 2020 8:31PM
Being bitten by a Cobra seems a pretty extreme cure for depression! Maybe it's because you won't be depressed for much longer?
Feb 16, 2020 11:25PM
Cheryl McMeekin
It's pretty sad that people need meds, but can't afford to get them to stay alive!!!
Feb 17, 2020 2:55PM
Although it's not every insulin there is a generic Novalin R is used in place of Humalog. Much less expensive and works much the same.
Oct 27, 2020 10:23PM
Donna Carder-Kummer
Judith Chandler, that’s funny!
Nov 30, 2023 9:25PM
Allison Aspden
An interesting insight into why particular liquids are so expensive!
Nov 20, 2023 11:27PM
Ilias Tsiabardas
I been beaten by a Scorpion when I was in my teens and I Survived 🦂
May 17, 2023 5:44PM
c r r b
In my humble opinion, human blood should be the most valuable of all liquids. LIFE is in the BLOOD !
Apr 15, 2023 8:32PM
Judith Chandler
I was wondering if the coffee that results from beans processed through a civet’s gut would make the list.
Jan 7, 2023 6:29PM
Julie Allen
Only one of these had volume so all the others could be cost per gallon.
Nov 27, 2022 8:39PM
Raymond Cardona
Amazing thanks for sharing Bonnie
Jul 25, 2021 10:05PM
Peter Beard
bottled water costs more than petrol/diesel fuel.
Jun 26, 2021 9:40PM
bina sarmah
DIVER DEAN, Along with depression, the patient also gone. One stone two birds.
May 9, 2021 5:09PM
Richard G Schwartz
The people who need it most are the ones who can't afford it.
Jun 13, 2020 3:27PM
Thank you for educating us. Be safe and well Quiz Folks.
Apr 30, 2020 7:56PM
Bob Pam Hanna
Very, very interesting. Thank you.
Mar 18, 2020 4:59PM
Caroline Weis
That should read full dose of venom not gull dose.
Feb 20, 2020 3:41AM
Caroline Weis
DIVER DEAN, scientists get the gull dose if cobra venom then its diluted so its not strong enough to kill. Most snake venom is done the same way and is used to counteract when a person is bitten by a venomous snake.
Feb 20, 2020 3:40AM


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