10 things everyone should do at least once a year
There are different things on this checklist – some can help you become more productive and protect your well-being, while others are simply good for the soul. Take a look at this list and tell us – what else can one do once a year to make the most of every day of their life?
#1 Visit some place you've never been to
#2 Take a day off in the middle of the week
#3 Check your health
#4 Clean out your medical cabinet
#5 Check smoke detectors at home
#6 Give the things you don't need to somebody who needs them
#7 Spend a day without gadgets
#8 Clean up your phone
#9 Watch your old pictures and videos, listen to old songs, call your school friends
#10 Write a list of things you're proud of
Do you regularly do these things? What would you add to this list? Did any of these ideas inspire you?
We are waiting for your comments!
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