13 cool older adults busting EVERY aging stereotype you know

The incredible pictures you're going to see below are going to inspire you – despite being 60+ years old, these people can't stop living their life to the fullest...

Which picture inspired you the most? What's your personal secret to living life a happy life at any age?

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Laura Engdahl
Amazing people!! #10 was truly unbelievable to me. I can see why it’s strictly for show and not seating! It should be in a museum. Amazingly beautiful!!
Jun 2, 2021 5:05PM
Kathryn Cavanagh
Number 5 gets my vote, such love from Grandfather to his Grandson. That is a tattoo worth having, would have one myself, don't like them, but this is an exceptional case. Love the fact that Grandfather shows his love in such a positive way.
Jun 2, 2021 8:19PM
I have Peacock pictures, a crossstitch of Peacock that I did, peacock jewelry and my entire bedroom and bathroom are covered in peacocks Laura Engdahl,
Mar 31, 2022 2:18PM
Gail Cusack
I'm 74 and I'd love to look like these 80 90 and 100 year olds when I get there!
Jan 20, 2022 2:18AM
Kathy Hooten
Grandma riding her Bike.
Aug 25, 2021 6:48PM
Edna Mohrmann
My vote goes to # 11! Learning something at any advanced age, like scuba diving, is great! Especially enhancing on your passion - history!
Jun 27, 2021 2:35AM
Put me to shame! But it is sad that not all older folk can be like this (my own Mum got Alzheimer's).
Jun 10, 2021 12:59AM
Terry Morga
I love it!! I am 71 and try not to slow down much!! Just spent 2 days mulching a hill with 30 bags! Use it or lose it is my motto!
Jun 6, 2021 4:13PM
You're as old you feel. Good luck to them all.
Jun 3, 2021 2:01AM
Jim Mascair
You're only as old as you feel you are. I liked #13 the skier and #7 the surfer.
Jun 2, 2021 11:04PM
Fabulous! Let the spirit take you!
Jun 2, 2021 10:40PM
Louella Wilson
Kathryn Cavanagh, I absolutely agree.
Jun 2, 2021 10:15PM
Ilias Tsiabardas
Good for them ,it's very inspiring to see those people living there lives in full ,As for me At Almost 76 years old I don't Sit around ,Every morning I fast walking for An hour and Continue 1/2 hour Running ,and I feel very good for that
Jun 2, 2021 9:09PM
Leticia Olsen
☹️Age is only a number!! As long as you’re able to do what you want it’s your choice and your own body and don’t hesitate, just do it. People in this calibre I admire them!! At least they don’t sit down waiting for meals on wheels!!🥺
Jun 2, 2021 8:30PM
Tracy Asztalos
I’m going to start working out as soon as my knee replacement heals
Jun 2, 2021 7:39PM
Barbara McAdams
bina sarmah, Maybe we can go together
Jun 2, 2021 7:39PM


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