7 illogical things of our world we don't even notice
Many rules have exceptions. The only way to deal with them is to memorize. Sometimes we face illogical things in our everyday life and got used to them. We don't even notice these logical errors or mismatches.
We face exceptions every day. However, do we actually notice them? For example, have you ever thought why Greenland is covered with ice and Iceland is so green? Now let's see some more illogical things.
By the way, you can read more interesting facts on similar topics. Did you know that there are 7 pairs of commonly confused animals? Check here if you can tell the difference between them!
#1 Do mice really like cheese?
Mice are often pictured with a piece of cheese though they don't like it. If you give them some cheese they will eat it, however they'll prefer fruit or grains. You can also read about popular animal myths in our article here.
#2 When English language is harder than others
If you are not surprised, try to pass this test to find out whether you are a polyglot.
#3 Why are toy ducks always yellow?
Isn't it strange? In real life all the ducks are brown and green and rubber ducks are yellow!
#4 Did you know that German numbers are read backwards?
#5 Iceland is green and Greenland is covered with ice
#6 Why is there no grade "E"?
Today grading systems don't provide "E" grade. The rules were once simplified and this grade was substituted with "F" grade which means "false". Do you know the differences in school systems around the world? The most striking ones you can find here.
#7 Double U or double V?
Did you like these facts? Do you know any other things that don't follow the laws of logic? Share in comments!
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