Could a human survive on a 100% meat diet (meat and other animal products)?
Yes, most definitely.
In fact, not only can people survive on 100% meat, but they can also have a much lower risk of heart disease and cancer than the average person.
BUT. Put that 32 oz. steak down and hear me out for a bit. Surviving on a meat-exclusive diet involves much more than what you think you know about eating meat, and will probably require the advice of experts on the matter. But who could be an expert on surviving on meat only, you ask?
These guys:
Meet the Inuit, a friendly native tribe of the Arctic, Canada, and Greenland, who survived on frozen wastelands for a thousand years. Their lands were barren, and could not bear fruit or vegetables—even less so than the lands of the Norwegians, who mitigated this problem by raising and killing Englishmen. Instead, the Inuit opted to pass the last millennia eating nothing but meat and fish—and not only did they survive, but they thrived; as mentioned previously, they indeed showed a lower chance of heart disease and cancer.
“But I thought eating meat was bad for you. How did this happen?” I hear you ask. Welp, their trick—which very few meat-chomping fellas actually do in the developed world—is that they eat their game WHOLE. Brains, offals, bone marrow, organs—you name it, down the hatches it goes. That way, ALL of the nutrients that kept the animal alive before its untimely demise now work on keeping the human alive, not just those that reside in the muscles and skin. Furthermore, counterintuitive as it sounds, they have to eat some of the organs, like the liver, raw, so that certain vital nutrients will not be altered by the heat.
Ultimately, it is important to understand that humans spread all over the world, from frozen wastelands to endless deserts, because they are an extremely adaptive species. The same way a human can survive exclusively on greens, as vegans so proudly rub in our faces to prove that animal flesh is the devil, we can also survive exclusively on said devil. HOWEVER, both extremes require a great variety of said food of choice, and careful planning to ensure a long and healthy life.
This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.
Can you imagine surviving on a 100% meat diet?
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