Most striking differences in school systems around the world

Schools around the world differ in subjects that children are taught, the number of hours they should study and the length of the school holidays. School is a place where children spend most of their time. Right there at school pupils usually decide what to become. Let's take a look at school subjects in different countries that are supposed to develop one's talents and skills.

And what do you think about that? Do you have any interesting facts to share? If so, tell us in the comments below, please!

#Society #knowledge


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Christine Watkins
They should all be taught how to grow food
Sep 23, 2019 5:14AM
Shannon O'Connell Boogades
Interesting that the Saudi Arabia picture has what looks like a token female and the rest male children.
Sep 25, 2019 9:57PM
Janece Walton
In Australia, English subjects including reading, comprehension, etc are paramount & Maths is very important as well. History and Geography, plus basic foreign languages are offered in Primary School and more intensively in Secondary school. Sport is usually in the curriculum till year 10, and then it is optional. A lot more needs to be done regarding Aboriginal history and culture, as this has been largely ignored.
Sep 24, 2019 3:17AM
Jennifer Dyster
This info is dull and doesnt bring out essential differences in nature of the systems.
Sep 21, 2019 6:49PM
Deborah Davidson
It would have been interesting to add how long they go to school each day/how long the school year is. I think Chinese children go year-round.
Mar 21, 2020 8:47AM
Michele Dix
Susan Golebiewski, not actually very useful about Australian schools at all. Most Australian schools begin at aged 4/5 at a preschool year then years 1-6 for ages t- 11/12yrs old. The children learn English, reading,comprehension, maths, often 2 foreign languages are taught ( 1 in the 1st half of the school year & the 2nd in the 2nd half of the school year this continues through to the end of year 6. They also learn computer / basic coding/ & some also have robotics as extra curricula skills from about years 3/4. Basic science, natural sciences and many.have a growing food & companion flower area where the children grow, harvest, prepare and eat what they have grown & the school Canteen (often called.The Tuckshop) can use the fresh produce too. Most schools have a learn to swim program to help keep our Aussie children water safe. Music is usually taught in all primary schools and of course there is a physical education subject that is compulsory too. High schools usually teach the same foreign languages as their feeder Primary schools hence a child can learn.the same foreign languages from ages 5 - 18yrs. A foreign Language is usually only compulsory for the first 7/8 schooling yrs but many continue to yrs 10 or 12. The sciences are expanding into the various groupings as the children advance so that biology, marine science ( for example if offered) ,chemistry, physics higher maths etc are divided into there separate subjects in the years 10 - 12. Continuance in Music & Sport hold big places in most High Schools .There are many other different extra subjects & extra curriculum specific subjects usually offered. Many Primary &. High Schools, State, Private or religious offer Robotics and compete in large competitions. Many of these teams are very successful in huge International competitions. you can see the piece on Australia was fairly inadequate.
Jan 25, 2025 7:24PM
Michele Dix
Christine Watkins, many pre school & primary schools (aged 4 - 11/12yrs, years pre school to 6) in Australia wide do learn about growing food & companion flower growing. They usually grow & harvest to use in the school Canteen ( we call it The Tuckshop) or eat it in 'cooking food' fun classes. This doesn't continue usually into the next level ( High School 12- 18yrs years 7 - 12) unless the High School also has farming/ agricultural subjects on offer.
Jan 25, 2025 6:43PM
Alain Fougerit
Somewhat oriented choice of photos, right?
Jan 13, 2025 4:10AM
Elizabeth Holmes
Shannon O'Connell Boogades, not sure if it's still true that girls only receive education up to a certain age here
Jul 31, 2024 5:12PM
Allison Aspden
Interesting comparison of what different countries focus on in Primary school.
May 21, 2023 6:40AM
Allison Aspden
This formation given is basic and routine. It would have been more informative if differences or highlights of particular countries education systems were given. Things like the usual age of beginning formal school, mandatory age of leaving school, diversity of subjects taught, eg Hichnsubjects are compulsory.
May 18, 2023 9:32PM
David Eubanks
Christine Watkins, Every school in the world should, you are correct.
Nov 8, 2021 10:12PM
David Eubanks
Shannon O'Connell Boogades, You will also notice the description of the education is very vague and we all know why.
Nov 8, 2021 10:11PM
David Eubanks
Joanne Way, GOOGLE IT!
Nov 8, 2021 10:10PM
David Eubanks
Paul Houle, GOOGLE IT!
Nov 8, 2021 10:10PM
Arithmetic? We don't learn native language.
Mar 25, 2021 8:49AM
Madi Marven
Noticed that in Saudi Arabia there were no girls in the class!!!!
Mar 24, 2020 8:07AM
Anita Tanner
Bring back cookery!
Mar 22, 2020 4:46PM
hector tubens
Wayne Power, I totally agree with you. I'm American but would have loved to read about Canada, UK and other countries.
Jan 4, 2020 4:50PM


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