Online shopping: expectation vs reality (+ pieces of priceless advice)
Online shopping is a quick and convenient way to buy almost any product you could possibly imagine. However, there are still some risks shopping this way. Today I will share with you some priceless advice to avoid those risks. Moreover, you’ll find some hilarious “expectation vs reality” photos in this article. Keep on reading!
If you know how to identify a secure online store, and how to protect yourself, you should be able to shop with confidence. To have the best possible experience buying online, there are a few important things to remember — and it all starts with your computer at home.
Before we start, take a look at these funny pictures of people who like online shopping, but something went really wrong :)
#1 The mask I ordered (left) vs. the mask I got (right)

#2 This patch I ordered off Amazon…

#3 I knew I was taking a gamble ordering from Wish.... but still, I couldn't stop laughing when my blanket finally arrived!

#4 My friend bought this costume online and I’ve been laughing all day

#5 Expectation vs. Reality after a 6-month backorder from West Elm

#6 These shoes

#7 We got a Bob Ross Chia Pet for Christmas!

#8 My wife gets wine drunk and orders stuff from Instagram Ads. She ordered this Cactus Cat Scratcher and two months later she received just a bag of rope with no instructions, or wood, or packing slip

#9 Beauty products these days

#10 I had never thought that this would happen to me... and yet here we are

#11 But think of all the snacks you can hide in there

If you don’t want to get something ridiculous from an online store, stick to these rules:
Rule #1 Check your computer

Making sure your computer’s operating system and Internet browser are up to date, and installing some good malware-protection software, is your first line of defense against viruses, malware, or fraudulent activity.
Rule #2 Give preference to your home PC

To further protect sensitive information like credit card numbers, your best bet is to shop from home. Avoid using public Wi-Fi or public PCs, like library computers.
Rule #3 Choose online stores right
If you’ve purchased products online before you’re probably familiar with some of the larger retailers like Amazon or Ebay. These sites have become so popular in part because they have earned a good reputation for protecting their customers’ personal information. With sites like these, there’s less to worry about in general.

However, there may be a time when you find that the hunt for a rare or specific item has taken you off the beaten path in the online marketplace. If you find yourself shopping on an unfamiliar site, make sure to look for “https://”, and the padlock symbol in the address bar. These things indicate that the site is SSL encrypted, which means it provides the security necessary to better protect your personal information.
Rule #4 Look carefully at the site

Always be sure to make note of phone numbers and physical addresses so you know how to make contact in case there's a problem with your transaction. It’s also a good idea to do some research on what you’re buying and who you’re buying from. For example, look for some reviews from real users.
Rule #5 Use your common sense

In the end, use your common sense, and trust your gut. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. And if anything seems suspicious, don’t make the purchase.
Do you prefer online shopping? Which sites do you use most often? Have you ever received something awful from an online store? Share your stories in the comments below!
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