What is the cringiest name you have seen/heard given to a child?

After over a decade in public school classrooms, do I have a few for you. Here, in no particular order, are the ones I will never, ever forget.

  1. Gina. Should be easy right? (Gee-na). Nope. Its pronounced Jai-na, as in the last two syllables of some lady bits.
  2. La-a. (Laaaaa? you wonder…) Nope. La-dash-a. I always thought that this was a unique one I would never see again, but it turns out a doctor from Florida who responded to this post had a patient by the same name.
  3. Dae 1 (The 1 was a superscript, like an exponent in a math equation). Yep. Day One.
  4. Rainy Dae. Oh, and she later had a daughter she named Autumn. Autumn Dae.
  5. Swinkels. (Swin-Kells) When you’re a young man from a rough neighborhood, you have a lot stacked against you already. A name like that certainly doesn’t help. This kid ended up in jail for murder.

Swinkels Laporte, Maxwell Wiggins, both of Springfield, found guilty of murdering Tracy Bennett


6. A pregnant 16 year old student who decided to name her son Dasani, because “it was unique and I craved it my whole pregnancy”.

Then there are the parents who LOOOOOVE a traditional name, but want to be ‘unique’ in the way they spell it. Here are some other, should be easy to spell but aren’t, names that I have seen over the years.

Megan - Mayghenne, Meaghiene

Brian - Bayrayan, Brienne (A young lady and yes, pronounced Brian and not Brianne)

Sara - In every possible combination you can think of.

Michael - Mykil, Mhykell, Mychael

There are a million more, but these are the best of the best.

This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.

Do you have any examples of weird names given to children?

#Society #Quora


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Raymond Cardona
Why give a child a name that's hard to pronounce or spell they will have enough issues growing up, enough with the cutesy names Bonnie
May 3, 2021 4:21PM
David Roy
X Æ A-Xii has to be the all-time worst. One of Elon Musk's twelve children. Tau Techno Mechanicus is another one of his.
Dec 28, 2024 4:59PM
Pam Smolek
Met a stewardess with the name Abcde, pronounced Absedee. She said her mother couldn’t think of anything, so that’s what she named her. Went to school in the 70’s with a boy whose name was John Doe Smith.
Oct 12, 2024 5:09PM
Gill Brown
M youngest daughter went to school with a boy called Blue Dye !! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Mar 10, 2024 4:44PM
Becky Chipman
There are several ways to spell Rebecca however I have only seen a few spelled Rebecka like mine is spelled. I love the spelling of my name, even though I go by Becky most of the time.
Feb 5, 2024 5:37PM
Joy Holbrook
Teresa Romano, jealous of what?
Dec 9, 2023 5:13PM
Joy Holbrook
While working for a Plastic Surgeon some years ago, I was amused by the spelling of a girls’ name which I would spell ‘Natalia’. The 15 year old mother however, was more inventive. She spelt it ‘Nartarleighar’. There was also the case of a young Sydney couple who called their daughter ‘Hashtag’. True story.
Dec 9, 2023 5:12PM
Latrina was the worst one I ever heard...my daughter went to school with her...
Sep 25, 2023 4:54PM
Teresa Romano
Y’all jealous. A player’s baby mamma.
Aug 27, 2023 4:52PM
This one may be apocryphal. A long time ago I read about an OB doctor whose patient named her daughter Placenta Lee.
May 30, 2023 12:01PM
Dan Diffley
The local paper in Jacksonville, NC, home of the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps, the prints birth announcements from the base hospital and once printed the arrival of a baby girl named Marina Cora.😊
Mar 6, 2023 10:20AM
Sheldon Burnston
In my 35 year career as a teacher, the all-time worst names I personally encountered were Latrina and Rotunda.. I have heard of the names Sih-PHYLLIS and Guh-NOR-ia, but those may be urban legends. I also met a sales clerk names Ejoty. Mom named her using every 5th letter in the alphabet.
Nov 27, 2022 6:50PM
Larry Thomas
Susanna Viljanen, wow tyranny is alive and well in Finland. The government even approves or disapproves of your children's names. Talk about " big brother government ".
Sep 21, 2022 1:36AM
Cookie Brandt
AIOU, pronounced....Noe
Sep 11, 2022 9:57PM
I know someone who named her daughter Kryptonite and swears is was in no way connected to Superman
Aug 18, 2022 5:01PM
Fiesole. Pronounced fee-ES-o-lay. The town in Italy where the child was conceived. They call her Fia.
Jan 4, 2022 1:04PM


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