Wise and beautiful - these famous women will inspire you with their best quotes

These 7 women have already changed the flow of our history. We bet their wise words can inspire you! Read and enjoy.

Women are incredible as they are. They are not only beautiful, charming and mysterious creatures, but also very wise. There are women who are not afraid to make serious decisions and share their points of view with the whole world. Their beautiful and meaningful quotes will inspire you and make your day brighter.

Do you know these women? Do they inspire you? We are waiting for your response in the comments below.

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#Society #female #inspiration


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Halldór Halldórsson
#6 Aung San Suu Kyi (1945 - present) is an accomplice to mass-murder and genocide! She should not be on anybodys list! :-(
Dec 24, 2017 11:45AM
Colin de Kock
Maybe Aung San Suu Kyi could explain her quote to the Rohinga people.
Jul 2, 2019 6:49AM
Ian Swindale
I agree with Halldor Halldorsson about Aung San Suu Kyi. What makes it so sad is that she was a real beacon of hope at one time but is now directly or indirectly involved in the trials and tribulations of the Rohingya. To me the most remarkable lady is the young Pakistani Malala Yousafzai. There have been some weird choices for Nobel Peace Prizes but this young lady is surely one of the most deserved of all.
Oct 29, 2019 4:38PM
Janet Dawn Baker
Malala has accomplished so much - in spite of being so badly injured for her beliefs.
Mar 29, 2025 8:17AM
If you want to help yourself - help somebody else.
Feb 4, 2022 11:19PM
George Christoforidis
Yes. I have a lot of respect for woman.
May 19, 2020 6:24PM
Ian Swindale
It is Malala Yousafzai who is so inspirational. A truly very remarkable young lady
May 28, 2019 4:30PM
Linda C Dunne
Very inspiring. Women Be yourself.
May 10, 2019 4:50PM
David Ching
Kathryn Cavanagh, I suggest you clear your cache (with Ccleaner or similar)
Apr 8, 2019 11:40PM
Ann Larson
Agreed, take of off the list
Mar 27, 2019 4:30PM
Kathryn Cavanagh
Wouldnot load fully, so didn't bother. This is happening too frequently for my liking.
Mar 16, 2019 12:06AM
Greta Fridlund
I don't think you should stop at 8 women - Maya Angelou and Eleanor Roosevelt and so many more! Keep it going!
Jan 13, 2018 5:09PM
Cathie Roth Lonnquist...Malala has been an inspiration, to me, ever since I first read about her story, in a Magazine, a few years ago. To do what she has done, in such short time, is truly incredible! Her Nobel Prize win, was well earned! She deserved it, no doubt about that!
Dec 23, 2017 9:27AM
Malala Yousafzi has been an inspiration, to me, ever since I read about her story, in a Magazine, a few years ago. She fights for the rights of women, in Pakistan, to be able to get an Education. I think an Education is very important, and for women in counties, like Pakistan, getting an Education isn't allowed. Her Nobel Prize win, was well earned! Look her up, she's amazing!
Dec 23, 2017 9:19AM
 María Leonor Díaz
Hembra-Macho Femenino-Masculino
Oct 21, 2017 12:29PM


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