Surprising facts about everything

Why is the ultrapure water so dangerous? Where do we get blue blood and what for? There are a lot of questions that need to be answered. Let's start with some given in this article.

Now we are waiting for your response! What is your opinion? Is there anything you want to share with us? Your comments count!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Marquita Simmons
I heard that the queen actually switches her handbag from one arm to the other to signal her people rather than having a button in it.
Feb 14, 2019 5:30PM
Marilyn Chris Scott
No don't think the queen has a secret button.Its the way she moves her bag is the signal
Feb 9, 2019 9:57AM
Karen Adams
Marquita Simmons, I heard the same
Sep 20, 2023 9:32PM
Carol Moore
David Holmes, it was in a storeroom. Probably in the floor. I question it can go that long without basking in the sun for vitamins.
Mar 14, 2022 9:05PM
Carol Moore
Armando Garciacano, it might have eaten bugs it found in the storeroom. It was probably a tortoise or some sort of box turtle.
Mar 14, 2022 9:04PM
Armando Garciacano
Turtle or tortoise?? It still has to eat something during 30 years. Possibly a different turtle??
Sep 4, 2021 5:13PM
Peter Robertson
Jeri Lee Lazar, As Bugs Bunny once said "Toitle Smoitle" means of course "Baloney"
Apr 8, 2020 8:17PM
Ian Swindale
HM The Queen has more than 1 signal she uses to alert staff and others for example individuals who are introducing her to guests at a function for them to gently usher her away to the next guest or that she wishes to move on or even retire altogether.
Nov 7, 2019 2:58AM
Robyn McLuskie
Picture 4 is of a tortoise not a turtle.
Oct 30, 2019 12:44PM
Cheryl McMeekin
It's all interesting
Oct 22, 2019 5:09PM
Mike McEachern
The claim that ultrapure water can kill you is a myth. You would have to drink nothing else for decades to loose more than a negligible amount of minerals from your body.
Apr 2, 2019 8:15PM
The pet turtle story really! All very interesting especially the crab blood. Thank you.
Mar 7, 2019 9:55PM
David Holmes
The "turtle" story is highly questionable. If it had been in a cupboard for all that many years what did it find to eat?
Feb 15, 2019 8:14PM
hector tubens
I may have to look up a restaurant that prepares horse shoe crab sandwich so I can eat healthy.
Feb 11, 2019 11:38AM
George Oliver Prince
So the only way to provide proof the Mexico building is earthquake proof is for it to get hit by an 8.5 earthquake, heck of a way to test it
Feb 11, 2019 12:07AM
Tony Burrett
So if I have a horseshoe crab sandwich, it’s good for me, right?
Feb 9, 2019 4:03PM


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