These pictures of margays will melt your heart
These small wild cats look absolutely adorable. However, don't underestimate this nocturnal hunter.
Wild cats fascinate us with their grace and artfulness. Big eyes, whiskers, flexible body, as well as super-sensitive hearing, help margays to catch their prey in seconds. Let's admire some pictures of this perfect acrobatic hunter.
Check your knowledge of the animal world with our test!
#1 Margays spend most of their time in trees. They have very sharp senses.
#2 While hunting margays use vocal imitation to lure their prey.
In particular, they mimic the sounds of pied tamarins.
#3 These cats are very mobile and acrobatic. Margays can climb down with its head first.
#4 These big round eyes allow them to see 6 times better than us at night.
#5 Its tail can be up to 50 cm in length and helps to maintain balance.
#6 Female margay keeps its baby in a den that is located in the tree.
Did you like margays? Tell us in comments!
Make sure you didn't miss this amazing article about tree kangaroo.
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