Things you thought were the same but they aren't

Sometimes we use one word to name different objects and mix up their meanings thinking there's no mistake. Let's take a look at some of the most confusing words!

Do you know the difference between pills and tablets? What makes jelly different from jam? If you are an expert in these tricky issues you'll easily pass this test concerning homophones.

Which of these words have you used incorrectly? Share in comments!

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#knowledge #food


What are your thoughts on this subject?
john duckett
I think some of these explanations rather depends on where you live.
Feb 29, 2020 1:38AM
Elsy O. Stromberg
If tablets are round those you're showing are not tablets.
Jun 14, 2020 1:47PM
Carol Butler
A couple are examples of the old saying, "The United States and Great Britain, two nations separated by a common language"..
Mar 1, 2020 3:28AM
Evelyn Dania Cooke
#3 Both could go either way. In Australia all of those things were biscuits until we become more and more Americanised in our thinking. #4. The ones on the left we would call capsules. Pills and tablets can go either way with the solid ones.
Mar 2, 2020 5:30PM
Alana King
I still believe that certain terms depend on where you live/what you've grown up knowing. The biscuit/cookie debate for example, but I do see the reason for the info.
Mar 1, 2020 1:02AM
Steve Kemp
Boat v Ship. A boat is defined as a vessel that has a single deck running the length of the vessel whereas a ship has multiple decks. This is why both a rowing boat and a submarine are both classed as 'boats'
Aug 29, 2021 6:58AM
I thought biscuits are cookies in the UK.
Nov 22, 2020 5:52PM
I disagree with your explanation of tablets, it states that tablets are round and yet the photo is of an oval tablet. This proves to me that tablets are BOTH round AND oval shaped depending on the drug!!
Sep 2, 2021 4:46PM
Robert Hohmann
American biscuits typically have no sugar. Cookies can be soft or hard.
Feb 28, 2020 5:13PM
Denny Quigley
Macaroons in Canada are a type of really good chocolate
Mar 9, 2024 10:14AM
Susan Madanat
No7, if this is the difference why do Americans call jam jelly?
Jan 22, 2024 8:31PM
I was correct in giving these illustrations the correct definition, however, it has certainly made me aware of NOT being correct everytime, and that possibility has made me think twice! Thanks
Jan 7, 2024 7:29PM
Terminology depends on where you live.
May 14, 2023 7:13AM
Mary Trangas Roberts
A ship can carry a boat but a boat cannot carry a ship.
Apr 28, 2023 3:14PM
Most of these answers are incorrect, especially in the USA
Oct 1, 2022 4:23PM
Steve Tingle
Claudia Heilke, Just to confuse things further, what about Yorkshire puddings, or Bakewell puddings.
Aug 1, 2022 7:50PM
Steve Tingle
bonniecardona, Don't forget the male favourite which is diamond shaped.
Aug 1, 2022 7:47PM
Elsy O. Stromberg, I agree
Jun 30, 2022 11:35AM
Ellen Fourroux
Beverley Gould, Yes, but in some jams and jellies you can use a natural Pectin such as what is in strawberries, plus lemon juice (EX: Strawberry Freezer Jam) vs. store bought prepared pectin from Certo, Ball, etc.
May 20, 2022 8:26PM
Lynda Wild
john duckett, I agree.
May 11, 2022 6:52PM
As I love both macarons I appreciate showing people the difference Yes if you say tablets are only round the ones you show are oval not round so your own definition is incorrect
Apr 21, 2022 5:08PM
Dan Diffley
Robert , Or something you put gravy in👍
Jan 24, 2022 6:18PM
Steve Kemp, submarines can and do have multiple decks. They are still a boat.
Jan 7, 2022 4:57PM
Yes. Subs are boats. That’s what we called them Gerry Santos,
Dec 9, 2021 5:35PM


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