What's the difference between kangaroo and wallabies?
Well, kangaroos are much more free with their love and will fall head over heels at first sight (especially if you give them food).
Nice beard.
Wallabies, on the other hand, play a bit more hard-to-get, and keep their cards closer to their chests.
I want to hug him back but I’m not that kind of wallaby. Also my arms are too short.
Apart from that…to be honest there’s not really much difference between the two, apart from size (although wallabies can be a bit more colourful).
Both are Macropods (meaning “large foot”) and have large hind legs and long, muscled tails. Red kangaroos, the largest species, can reach up to 90 kg (nearly 200 lbs) while wallabies are closer to 20 kg.
There are some species which are larger than wallabies but smaller than kangaroos. Can you guess what they’re called? Wallaroos.
I’ve not met one of them yet so I can’t comment on their disposition, or attitude towards English humans.
This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.
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