10 new hilarious riddles to test your smarts

Is it possible to train your brain and have a good laugh at the same time? Actually that's what we're doing here on QuizzClub! Take a look at a new portion of riddles we've gathered for you – we bet the answers will definitely make you smile!

Click on the riddle to reveal the right answer!

Which riddle was the best one? How many of these did you get right? Tell us in the comments!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Gail Cusack
Love riddles, these were great. I guessed a bottle for what has a neck and no head!
Mar 4, 2021 10:49PM
Brenda Maltz
a battery has life. Did you ever hear what's the life of the battery?
Mar 4, 2021 11:52PM
bina sarmah
All coins are not brown. Answer should be penny not coin.
Oct 1, 2021 8:49PM
Linda Carr
a bottle has a neck also...
Mar 4, 2021 7:10PM
Suzi Bradley Sheward
What kind of ‘brown’ coin? Except for pennies but that’s a stretch.
Nov 10, 2023 4:24PM
I agree that a battery has no life but can die, but the same can be said about candles.
Sep 20, 2023 5:52PM
Ilias Tsiabardas
#2 Docent make any Sense to me ,I am the only One Or What;
Feb 8, 2023 7:50PM
james parrillo
Marian Knittle, I thought of a corn field, to have millions of ears. Thank you, Christine, James's wife
May 2, 2022 10:31PM
Lynda Wild
Lynda Wild, me too. Another Aussie
Nov 4, 2021 8:52AM
Peter Thomas
Richard Perkins, a penny, at least when it’s been in circulation for a while.
Jun 10, 2021 7:12PM
Some thought provoking ones there.
Jun 10, 2021 1:01AM
can anyone respond to this comment how do I change my user name
May 17, 2021 10:42PM
Lynda Wild
No brown coins in Australia My answer was brown snake
Mar 6, 2021 9:56AM
Allison Aspden
Great quiz. Love the riddles!
Mar 5, 2021 6:24PM
Brenda Maltz, Actually yes I have. The last time I bought a new battery for my truck my mechanic said "I gave you a heavy duty battery, it was a little more expensive but it has a battery life of 10 years." I literally just bought new batteries for my electric toothbrush last night, they were the new Duracell optimum whiche were a little more expensive but the palace said "Extra life, extra power." I got the answer to that question right away probably because I had just bought new batteries. Plus the battery on my truck died when we had that arctic blast & I had to get a new one. I didn't think it was 10 yrs old but when I looked at the date it was over 8 yrs old. Close enough.
Mar 5, 2021 3:47PM
cousinvinnie, That was my answer! Great minds think alike.
Mar 5, 2021 3:37PM
Alicia Szot, I said the same thing! I've had this question on other riddle quizzes. I got the correct answer but after I revealed the answer, I said out loud "a coin isn't brown, it's either copper or silver colored." That's when I realized that if they said copper or silver, it would reveal the answer. So I guess that's why they say "brown".
Mar 5, 2021 3:36PM
cousinvinnie, A bottle of FLAT beer. :)
Mar 5, 2021 11:08AM


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