10 things that show the Dutch's influence on America

We're all aware of the influence of the Englishmen on Americans, but what is known about things and traditions introduced by other countries? As it turns out, the Dutch played a crucial role in building the culture of the New World.

After the Englishmen settled in Jamestown, Virginia, a Dutch company hired an English sailor, Henry Hudson to find a "northeast" passage to Asia. He decided to find a "northwest" passage instead that would lead him to India. After sailing the Atlantic for a while, he came across a river, which is known as the Hudson River today.

He returned to Europe because the water was too shallow for his ship to continue sailing. The Dutch company claimed the entire Hudson Valley as their new trading post. They called it New Amsterdam which is known as New York today. While they settled there, Americans imbibed parts of their culture. Here are some of them:

What other Dutch practices do you think are common among Americans? We bet there's still a lot out there and await your responses in the comment section.

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#Culture #History


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Elmar B
The most famous Dutch contribution is " the Dutch oven" Lol!!!!!
Dec 14, 2020 6:25PM
wd daly
lived in Brooklyn, NYC for much of my life. The Dutch gave us the worrd stoop for the steps leading up to the front door of your house. When i use the word, people look at me and say "you're from Brooklyn". The word Brooklyn is also Dutch.
Dec 15, 2020 7:54AM
Lourdes Ayala
Living in New York City all my life, I learned about the Danish influences in our culture. The one I thought most ingenious was the Dutch double door which had a door cut in halve. The upper halve of the door could be opened and let in light and the lower part could be closed to keep out animals. I don’t know why it was so interesting to me but it was!
Dec 14, 2020 5:26PM
Tal Segal
While religious tolerance was usually allowed by the Dutch, their last governor to New Amsterdam, Peter Stuyvesant opposed any religious pluralism.
Aug 24, 2024 3:06AM
Vimala Padmaraj
A TINY BIT OF DUTCH HISTORY IN TAMILNADU (STATE) SOUTH INDIA. THERE IS A OLD BROKEN DOWN FORT IN SADRAS, ON EAST COAST OF TAMILNADU. When the Dutch arrived on the Coromandel coast in 1606, they first pitched base at Pulicat, to the North of Madras. By 1612, they had laid the foundations for a fort in Sadras to its South, then a well-known centre for muslin weaving and brick making.(FROM GOOGLE) INDIA HAD MORE TO DO WITH THE FRENCH, THE ENGLISH AND THE PORTUGUESE.
Aug 17, 2023 11:16AM
Elsy O. Stromberg
Linda Madison Leckey, Yes, they do. How do you think the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology and other new religions got established?
Jan 9, 2023 1:29PM
Denny Quigley
I always thought that the French Revolution was the basis for democracy and what the American constitution and democracy was based on. Interesting
Jul 13, 2022 9:18AM
Maryagnes Kuehmichel
Thriftiness, long lasting friendships and much more
Dec 15, 2020 6:53PM
Leticia Olsen
Ted Exley, The Christmas tree came from Lapland, Finland. Not from Norway. Norway is mountainous and no land for Christmas tree. Sorry I automatically wrote Helsinki because I thought of my two colleagues at work came from Helsinki, Finland.Yes I’m aware Helsinki is the capital of Finland 🇫🇮👍🏼
Dec 15, 2020 2:27PM
Louella Wilson
PaulStan, 5000 years ago ancient Egyptians practiced a form of bowling. Well before the Dutch or Poles.
Dec 15, 2020 1:42AM
Ted Exley
Leticia Olsen, I always thought the Christmas tree given as a gift to London was from Norway. And Helsinki is the capital of Finland.
Dec 15, 2020 12:00AM
L Lh Adams
I never have eaten the "American staple diet" depicted,but I'm an American.
Dec 14, 2020 10:30PM
David Holmes
Lourdes Ayala, The door you mentioned is a stable door.
Dec 14, 2020 9:27PM
That's great,America is what we are today because of the Dutch. I learned a lot today
Dec 14, 2020 8:40PM
Leticia Olsen
🤔Hmm.....interesting!! I have Dutch friends and I was educated in Private Catholic School run by the Carmelites Priests from Holland. Very nice people and devoted to their jobs.👍🏼 About Santa Claus, every Christmas some children went to Lapland in Helsinki to see Father Christmas riding on a sledge. I believe Santa came from Lapland, Helsinki and not in Holland. London, UK🇬🇧 every year received an enormous christmas tree from Lapland as a gift and can be seen in Trafalgar Square opposite the monument of Nelson.🎄🎅🏼
Dec 14, 2020 8:36PM
David Coe
Lourdes Ayala, Guess you meant "Dutch" not "Danish"
Dec 14, 2020 6:35PM


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