7 interesting sleeping habits worldwide
Learn about the most interesting sleeping habits around the world!
#1 Do you often feel like taking naps on duty without getting into trouble with the boss?
Then migrate to Japan. They strongly believe in the practice of inemuri—which means “sleeping on duty” or “sleeping while present”—it has been surprisingly accepted.

#2 Aboriginal communities engage in “group sleep”.
In Aboriginal communities In Australia, the people engage in a form of group sleep like essentially large slumber parties with the purpose of sleeping.

#3 In Guatemala, children go to bed with their worry dolls when they are afraid of nightmares.
The children silently tell their worry dolls what is troubling them, they then place the dolls underneath their pillows and sleep peacefully.

#4 It is important and common to pray before sleep in Mexico.
This norm helps people have a sense of calmness and peace which accompanies a deeper sleep.

#5 In South India, water is placed near the bed at night for an unusual reason.
It is believed the soul leaves the body every night in search of water. This is to ensure the soul doesn’t get thirsty :)

#6 South Koreans popularly believe that sleeping with a fan on in an enclosed room can cause death.
So even in the highest heat, they refuse to go to bed with their fan on. Fan manufacturers even have this warning on their products!

#7 Regardless of the time of the day, the Kung tribe sleep only when they are tired in Botswana.
They tend to practice polyphasic sleeping and sleep for as long as they need to to get a good rest by engaging in different sleeping sessions during the day.

What do you think could be your favorite sleeping practice? Engage us in the comment section.
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