7 shocking truths about things with misleading names
You're so used to the words we're going to talk about today the truth about the things they denote will blow your mind away. Let's start.
Here are the names you would be surprised are actually wrong.
#1 You can still make your wishes, but a SHOOTING STAR is actually not a star!
Surprising right? It's actually a passing meteorite or other small object entering the atmosphere.
#2 The CUCUMBER is a fruit
It's time to stop thinking its a vegetable. It comes from the flower parts of the plants and has seeds in it. These are obviously features of a fruit.
#3 A SILKWORM is not really a WORM!
It's a larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. Another popular name for larva is the caterpillar.
#4 PEANUTS are not NUTS
They are just like regular legumes that grow under the soil. Peanuts fall into category with the likes of beans and peas. Learn more about true and 'pretentious' nuts in this article.
#5 A CATGUT is not gotten from CATS
CATGUTS are used to make strings on musical instruments. As a matter of fact, CATGUT is made from horse or sheep intestines.
#6 Do you know that a JACKRABBIT is not a RABBIT?
They are hares and they are much bigger than rabbits and have big ears.
#7 A PRAIRIE DOG is a rodent found mostly in North America
Of course, it doesn't make them any less cute.
Which of these surprised you the most? Would you add any other words to this list?
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