Learn these 10 new words to sound smart in any conversaton

Why use common and simple words when you can enrich any conversation with beautiful and exotic words? Take a look at this list of must-know words that will make you sound smarter.

Have you ever heard or used these words before? Which ones were new for you? Are going to use any of them? What else would you add to this list?

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Barry G Hitchens
Well, if one is going to propigate ones esoteric cogitations, you really first should elleviate all vestiges of platitudinious ponderosity....
Sep 12, 2019 9:54PM
I would welcome more offerings like this. Although I knew all of the words presented, I do not use some of them in everyday communications.
Aug 5, 2021 11:39AM
Gloria Matarese
Would help if the pronunciation was available
Oct 31, 2022 8:33PM
I already know these words but rarely use them in conversation with my friends...we can communicate without them...and since I'm retired I have no real need to prove that I am smart.
May 1, 2023 11:18AM
Jack Holroyd
Wouldn't hurt to add a pronunciation guide, big words impress no one if they are mispronounced
Dec 2, 2023 4:52PM
Gail Cusack
Knew everything word but don't use them daily and when I do, I usually have to explain it. Great reading though and maybe helped some who didn't know these words.
Apr 27, 2024 4:41PM
Edna Mohrmann
I agree with stellaclaude, stating that many of these words are of French origin. It helps a lot if you learn a Latin or any other foreign language that you learn to understand the root of the word.
Feb 22, 2024 3:13AM
Allison Aspden
Great range of not usually used words. Great, exacting definitions of these words.
May 13, 2023 4:11AM
Connie Raguso
All of these words were already very familiar to me.
Nov 13, 2021 6:33PM
I’ve used them all except “mellifluous. I was having fun one day teaching my 7YO grand nephew the word “ubiquitous”. I said it’s a word that means something is everywhere present, like air. He said “Oh, like God” I thought, WOW‼️, from the mouth of babes🙏🏻
Apr 23, 2021 7:37PM
Marianne Frederick Halterman
None of these words are new to me! They are... ubiquitous! And to speak them sweetly is...mellifluous.
Sep 12, 2019 6:51AM
I use many of these words quite regularly. I’m bilingual, English/French, and many of these words stem from French. I enjoy a fun vocabulary.
Aug 31, 2019 6:32PM
Very happy to learn some of these words that never heard in a normal conversation.
Aug 27, 2019 5:37PM
George N. Martin
Margrit Eddy, You are not the first person I seen talk for hours and not say anything! (Couldn't resist that, Margrit. Forgive me, please))
Jul 20, 2019 5:32PM
Skip Rodrigues
Know and used all at some time or the other....other words...bellicose and obstreperous being the current zeitgeist.
Jun 17, 2019 1:01PM


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