Shocking truth about witches is revealed

Since the beginning of time it was believed there were unique powers that chosen people had. These powers were not always positive and some people can harm others using them. So, in the 14th century this belief caused fear and mass hysteria. Some women were considered to be witches and they were to be hanged or burned at the stake.

And what do you think about that? Do you have any interesting facts to share? If so, tell us in the comments below, please!

#Culture #History


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Mike Corrigan
As I understand it, they were the "wise women" (or men) of the village who knew about crops, what plants could be used to assist in healing various illnesses, acted as mid-wives, and were generally respected village elders to whom the locals listened. They observed, quietly, and watched weather patterns, how the different energies in the air affected plants, flora, fauna, and were sagacious people. Of course, the Roman Catholic church didn't like this and they wanted to centralise power and have people only listen to them and them alone, hence they vilified these women, called them "witches". They didn't necessarily practise necromancy and fortune telling at all, but the religious authorities hated them and the fact that people went to them for help, and so killed the many way they could. As far as as I understand it anyway. It usually comes down to something as simple as this: jealousy, power struggles, etc. The basic human condition. Nothing supernatural I'm afraid......
Jul 18, 2019 2:28AM
Chrissy Krainock Luders
I am a direct descendent of Rebecca Nurse who was one of the Salem Witches. No “witchlike” powers or behaviors have been observed in any succeeding generations. What a sad time in history.
Aug 26, 2019 5:06PM
The definition of witches shows the ignorance of the culture that accuses.
May 8, 2019 6:35PM
Mildred Adolphus
I am the daughter and granddaughter od women with special abilities like precondition and esp.. I am not scary. I don't cast spells and I don't bother people who don't bother me.
Mar 27, 2021 10:53AM
Wayne Roberts
More evils committed by the church!
Sep 18, 2021 5:59PM
Sad. Very sad. I feel for those that suffered.
Apr 23, 2022 5:17PM
Tina Marie Haddad Rhodes
2023 and people are still ignorant and believe in things they can’t explain. So lets blame it on another person and called them a witch or warlock.
Sep 25, 2023 11:03PM
Doris Dallaire
Dreadful misunderstandings causing deaths of innocent people.
Mar 5, 2023 9:17PM
Satish Chandran
Women dance histerically in temples in India,were beaten severely to drive out the devils n them. Why do women only are 'possessed'?
Feb 5, 2023 5:29PM
Wayne Roberts, not just the church but also the government at the time.
Nov 17, 2022 2:56AM
Chrissy Krainock Luders, Rebecca Nurse had no children therefore you can not be a direct descendant!!
Nov 17, 2022 2:55AM
Mike Corrigan, there was no Roman Catholic influence at the Salem Witch trials. That was the Puritans.
Nov 17, 2022 2:53AM
Joyclin Coates
Mike Corrigan, Patriarchy and Church power, many culters and the "old religion" had women in high position, and no no no that was not acceptable.
Jul 1, 2022 9:47PM
Michele Barnett
Chrissy Krainock Luders, I played Rebecca Nurse in a Community Theater production of "The Crucible." I loved her character, but doing that show was like being on an emotional rollercoaster! (I'd still do it again, though!)
May 12, 2022 5:04PM
magic exists. period. but the western world did a poor job in realizing it----
May 27, 2021 11:38AM
David Holmes
pbauer, considering that priests were involved in in a lot of this, they may well have believed and prayed as well but probably didn't much like organised religion.
Sep 30, 2020 2:55AM
Jeannou Saunders
They thought that Joan of Arc was a witch, so they burned her!
Jul 3, 2020 5:57PM
Ian Swindale
Dreadful what happened to them
Jan 8, 2020 7:10AM


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