Did you know that horses can heal you?

It's hard to believe that this strong and graceful animal can be not only your friend or transport, but it can also be your doctor. Let's see what kind of difficulties pretty horses relieve!

Did you know that horseback riding is accepted to be an official method of treatment? It is called "Hippotherapy". This extraordinary method can heal lots of different diseases. Hippocrates himself claimed that patients riding a horse are recovering faster than the others. A french philosopher Denis Diderot dedicated a large essay to the hippotherapy as if it was the most healthful kind of sport.

The hippotherapy fits for all people. Besides healing, horses bring joy and happiness into our routine everyday life!

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And what do you think about that? Do you have any interesting facts to share? If so, tell us in the comments below, please!

#animals #health


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Jim Adams
I never believed in the “Therapy Animal” B.S. until I ended up in a nursing home waiting to die from cancer. One day a Therapy Animal was brought into my room, I would have never believed the effect one dog would have on me. That dog turned everything around and I went from a terminal cancer patient to fully recover in just a matter of a few months.
Nov 5, 2019 6:51PM
Cathie Roth Lonnquist
Information I didn't know about before. I use to ride a horse and I remember feeling worn out (but good worn out) after getting off. I never thought about the good this was doing my body.
Sep 15, 2017 6:30PM
"There is nothing so good for the inside of man as the outside of a horse" I don't recall the author. I have been in love with horses from the age of 3, started riding at 4 and am still in the saddle at 63.
Jan 5, 2020 3:06AM
I've heard that Japanese won't allow horses in their house because they won't take their shoes off. I have not been able to verify this.
Jan 5, 2020 4:48PM
L Lh Adams
I used to ride every day when I had Horses. It always had a calming effect on me after a stressful day,and they enjoyed it as well.
Nov 24, 2020 7:02PM
Adriana Zuliani
Quite interesting, but not everyone is lucky enough to own a farm with horses. I love these animals but they are out of my reach.
Oct 9, 2019 5:16AM
Lori Negri
Veterans benefit greatly from equine therapy,
Aug 15, 2024 9:34PM
Chris Baz
I’ve always loved horses, although never a rider, they are beautiful creatures. Interesting information 💙
Mar 24, 2024 7:05PM
Helen Dakin
Makes me glad I sent my kids to horse-riding camp.
Apr 20, 2023 12:46AM
c r r b
Jim Adams, totally agree. I wish every single home, be it nursing home or rehab, would have this kind of service within it. There would be a lot more happier people, and less dying ....
Jan 31, 2022 3:51PM
Doug Payne
I injured my SI joint - not horse related injury. My best relief when it would flare up was to lope on my gelding in easy rhythmic circles in a sand ring. Amazing how much relief it gave me.
Oct 12, 2019 7:19PM
Beth Mac Watters
very interesting, did not know any of this.
May 27, 2019 11:14PM
Yousuf Mirza
Good to know.
May 13, 2019 11:33PM
Barry Clark
We never stop learning. Brilliant
Apr 9, 2019 2:37AM
Pamela Spallin
I have loved horses since I was a small child
Apr 5, 2019 1:50AM
Diane Thompson
Horses are absolutely awesome! Lovable, majestic and beautiful. Jesus will ride a white horse. Majestic, beautiful and chosen by their Creator. Thanks for the information. Very interesting indeed.
Mar 23, 2019 12:54PM


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