8 clocks that will impress you with their size and design

What's the time? Nowadays people can answer this question by checking the time on the screens of their mobile phones. City tower clocks became symbols of their cities and some of them are considered as masterpieces. Let's check 8 clocks that are real decorations of their cities and attract many tourists every year.

And what about you? How does it strike you? Do you have any thoughts or ideas to share ? You are welcome to do so in the comments below!

#Geography #Culture #knowledge


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Joseph Morgan
Big Ben is not a clock, it's the bell.
Dec 22, 2019 4:23PM
Jim Adams
#7 is wrong, Big Ben is the bell in the clock tower!
Dec 20, 2019 7:10PM
Gaby Venero
You forgot to include one of the most beautiful clocks ever, the Prague astronomical clock
Apr 20, 2021 10:24AM
Rudy Datoc
How about the Steam Clock in Gastown, downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada?
Jan 11, 2020 4:56PM
Big Ben _ It's not the clock, Nor the tower. It's the bell That chimes the hour!
Nov 23, 2021 10:19AM
John Lazier
The most fascinating clock I have seen is in Prague. It is amazing
Aug 18, 2022 5:29AM
Debra Coleman
What about the beautiful clock in St Marks Square Venice.
Jan 9, 2025 7:59AM
Anita Clark Morton
Rudy Datoc, I've lived in the Okanagan area of B.C. most of my life, so I've seen the Steam Clock in Gastown many times. LOVE it, and love the whole of Gastown area. It's so unique
Oct 30, 2024 3:23AM
Anita Clark Morton
Seen Big Ben Clock Tower many times when I lived in Northern England. LOVED it!
Oct 30, 2024 3:22AM
Jim Mascair
I like the floral clock.
Nov 27, 2023 9:30PM
Nancy Gardner
Thankyou for the timely photographs.
Oct 12, 2023 3:37PM
Patricia Parraguez-Chen
There is a beautiful floral clock in Viña del Mar, Chile
Aug 27, 2023 5:43PM
Lynda Walsh Vanderkooi
There’s a really nice flower clock in Niagara Fall,Ontario Canada!
Mar 13, 2022 4:01PM
Cindy Ursan
Yeah but everyone calls it Big Ben… loved seeing these fascinating clocks!
Jan 23, 2022 4:14AM
Terri Peterson
David Heinz, yes I grew up around there. My Dad called it the Polish Moon,lol
Dec 28, 2021 10:39PM
Allison Aspden
Great pics of clocks. Some quite unusual.
Apr 27, 2021 6:48PM
Elena Podolsky
What about Kremlin's one?
Oct 6, 2020 5:17PM
Alan Hardy
Bob Vandrish, Big Ben is the bell not the clock
Aug 12, 2020 4:22AM


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