9 exсeptional bridges that seem to lead to a new world
Beautiful bridges are not something we see around all the time. In this article, you'll see 9 photos of bridges that are absolutely stunning.
Bridges are built in order to connect two places together. Sometimes these structures are so beautiful they seem to lead to a brand new world...
#1 The ancient bridge over the grand Latofesson waterfall in Norway

#2 The Durdevica Tara bridge above the Tara river in Montenegro providing the remarkable view of the canyon

#3 The illuminated Hellix Bridge in Singapore

#4 The Pont Alexandre III bridge in Paris, France

#5 The Henderson wave bridge in Singapore

#6 The Chengyang wind and rain bridge in China also known as Fengyu, Yongji or Panlong Bridge.

#7 The Benson footbridge above Multinomah Falls

#8 The Landwasser Viaduct bridge around glacier mountains in Switzerland

#9 The Hangzhou cross sea bay bridge in Zheijang province, China

Did you like these bridges? Have you ever seen any of them with your own eyes? Do you know any other beautiful bridges? Tell us in the comment section.
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