9 surprising facts about the Earth

Geography Story: 9 surprising facts about the Earth

Our home planet, Earth, is truly beautiful and amazing. Here are 9 incredible facts about the third planet from the sun.

Did these facts surprise you? If you have any other interesting facts to share with us, we are waiting for your comments!

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#Geography #Science


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Don Carey
The North Pole can not move any more "north" than it currently is. It can move any other direction other than north.
Dec 3, 2016 9:53PM
William Laughlin
David Caldwell Like the fact they say, "Here are 10 incredible facts about the third planet from the sun." yet list only 9?
Dec 3, 2016 9:56PM
Janice K Meno
The earth reflects the wisdom, power and greatness of its creator, Jehovah God. Also shows despite man's attempts to ruin it by abuse, commercialism and pollution it's still maintain by it's creator!!!
Dec 3, 2016 10:03PM
Danny More
Danny More
What they have not said was. We have screwed the Earth up. And sometime down the road. IT's going to screw us up big time. Count on it!
Dec 3, 2016 11:01PM
Norma Guirola de Ferracuti
Number 4 is wrong, it should read: the moon makes the earth habitable.
Dec 16, 2021 6:38PM
Norma Guirola de Ferracuti, i caught that too
Oct 30, 2024 10:16PM
Ron Gosling
Yes magnetic north pole. Not actual true north.
Aug 4, 2024 9:56AM
Oh no the climate will change in a billion years? Wow scientists are so smart!!! Smh!!!
Jan 7, 2024 4:27PM
Julie Allen
William Laughlin, August 2022 They seem to have fixed that Now 9.
Aug 24, 2022 1:56AM
bina sarmah
Bruce Hogan, Yes, it is wrong. What is speed of falling nobody knows.
Feb 17, 2022 9:48PM
bina sarmah
Danny More, Climate has been changing since the beginning. The climate change summit makes more pollution than any other individual flying in private jet.
Feb 17, 2022 9:44PM
Caroline Weis
From the comments of years ago, I keep wondering why this quizz question didn't show up earlier on my browser.
Nov 26, 2021 8:48AM
Denny Quigley
There have been a number of times in earth's history where the north and south magnetic poles have swapped positions. We are 'due' f(in the next 2 or 3 thousand years for such a switch. Plus the moon would make the earth 'habitable' not 'inhabital'
Oct 30, 2021 10:31AM
David Caldwell, 29,000 ft.
Jul 18, 2021 4:47PM
Richard E. Stone
Well then, if the Earth is the only planet not named for a Greek or Roman god, then who named the Earth, "Earth?"
May 7, 2020 10:56PM
John W Shreve
William Laughlin,and nzscubadiver, It says "9."
Nov 12, 2019 11:37PM
Wayne Roberts
With reference to the North Pole question it is the Magnetic pole that moves not True North! It is accounted for on maps and charts used for Navigation.
Jul 30, 2019 3:34PM
June Hunter
Surely the moon makes the earth HABiTABLE!
May 21, 2019 4:31PM
Some odd comments here 1. Habitable & Inhabitable are one in the same, whereas uninhabitable means unable to support life 2. Someone said there were 10 facts, there is only nine, as per the heading. 3. The hole through the earth needs a rethink. 4. Researching the oceans is important of course, but looking after them is much more important for Humans to survive. 5. Can the North Pole really move more north?? 6. The earth will be fine after we have screwed it up, all living beings will be obliterated but rest assured, the earth will keep spinning long after we’ve vacated it.
Apr 21, 2019 5:24AM


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