The most extreme settlements on Earth – you won't believe people still live there

Some people live in harsh conditions for their entire lives – and they not only get used to it, but also learn to enjoy it. Let's take a look at the most unbelievable places where people live.

What do you think about living in such extreme conditions? Would you add any other places to this list?

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#Geography #Culture #Society


What are your thoughts on this subject?
I visited Coober Pedy (encumbered with my backpack and a good 30 pounds of Nikon gear) There was a hotel and a pub all underground and I met with a few of the locals. They were very accommodating and insisted that I stay the night with them. I was served a delicious supper but breakfast was toast and vegemite (very much an acquired taste!) and I forced it down with a smile on my face! The next day I was fortunate enough to hitch a ride with some folks who were heading to Adelaide! I would love to visit again and see some of the incredible opals that they quarried. It’s a hard life but I never heard a word of complaint except about the fly’s which were absolutely everywhere. I hope to go back to Australia again some day but I will stick to the east coast, the desert is just too hot!!
Aug 22, 2022 4:59PM
Nural Kuyucak
I worked at the gold mıne near La Rınconada. It was very difficult to breathe, move, eat because of high altitude for me as locals played soccer.
Dec 29, 2020 11:50PM
Joyclin Coates
The way we are going there will be more and more marginaized places to live. The climate extremes will destroy and undermine our agriculture and much more.
Feb 9, 2024 5:12AM
Vibeke Streeval
I’ve always been fascinated by Tristan da Cuna. It’s a difficult place to live and very difficult to move to. The people living there are not open to new people. Many of those who had to go to England years ago did not go back.
Nov 2, 2023 11:03PM
I used to live in Barrow, AK and lived it.
Feb 10, 2023 7:43PM
Donna Garza
I’m so spoiled living in the Bay Area, I couldn’t imagine living in these conditions.
Nov 25, 2022 8:55PM
Tina Watson
I’d like to give them all a go, but just for a short visit to each.
Nov 24, 2022 5:17PM
Rene Colmenares
I love my water bed! You live only once.
Feb 17, 2022 4:46PM
Cindy Ursan
Fascinating!!! But I’ll stay right where I am!
Dec 1, 2021 8:53PM
I think that I might be able to adapt in some of these places. I like the cold weather and at a lot of times do not like to be bothered.
Nov 13, 2021 4:36PM
Keith Williams
Went to Coober Pedy,the locals at the pub were not that cordial, probably protective of their opal mines(holes in the ground)
Nov 21, 2020 12:57AM
Anne L. Dearing
Fascinating reading! Thank you for sharing.
Aug 18, 2020 9:49PM
Cheryl Draper
Thanks for the offer but no thanks, I wouldn't like to live in any of them. I have been to Coober Pedy and it is hot in winter, and very hot in summer, but sleeping underground is fun for a holiday but not permanently.
Apr 14, 2020 2:01AM
I think I might like living in Tristan da Cunha. The rest are a big NO for me!
Mar 29, 2020 5:34PM
Cheryl McMeekin
Interesting info, but would never live in any of these places.
Jan 26, 2020 11:08PM


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