What are the major differences between Chinese and Western cultures?

Here are 8 illustrations which juxtaposes the cultures of the West (blue) and East (red). These are generalizations, of course, so these illustrations aren’t true of all Chinese people or Westerners.

1) Dealing with problems.

2) The individual.

3) Transportation.


4) Expressing an opinion.

5) Sunshine.

6) Society and senior citizens.

7) Networking.

8) Streets on Sundays.

Source: The cultural differences between East and West, according to one artist. All images are from a book by Yang Liu, a designer who moved from Beijing to Berlin at the age of 13. Her book was published in 2007.

This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.

Do you agree with the differences shown in the pictures?

#Geography #Culture #Society #Quora


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Grenville Hibbert
I like his thoughts on the comparison of the elderly s position were spot on
Oct 10, 2020 6:12PM
I have been to China, live in America, and I am a Kenyan native, as such; I appreciate different cultures. We stand to learn from each other if we are smart, since we are moving towards a global culture. I love to travel the world.
Mar 8, 2019 11:31PM
Linda K Fowler
At a first glance I see westerners seem to think mostly of their owner importance. While the east is more cognicent of others opinions
Oct 8, 2019 4:36PM
Jim Hughie
I’ve been to China stayed one month All of this is true Sad to me about our elders but very true comparison
Apr 22, 2019 7:35AM
Jimmy D
Eating with chop sticks, and labour the fields with a fork.
Aug 12, 2023 6:56PM
So true about the elderly. In western society we have become a burden instead of being revered for knowledge and wisdom. Of course not all westerners feel the same way, this is just a few in all walks of life. The old saying goes, “Walk a mile in my shoes”!!
Feb 21, 2023 4:23PM
Kanukurthy Sudershan Rao
That is because of the population and customs prevalent in Asia and West.
Sep 15, 2021 2:47AM
Isagani Isidro Sogocio
I agree , Interesting Yang Liu. Informations very usefull. Congrats!
Aug 9, 2020 8:02PM
Cheryl McMeekin
Very interesting
Apr 1, 2020 10:51AM
Interesting indeed.
Oct 1, 2019 1:50AM
Alexander Sickert
Check other sources for a much different interpretation.
May 8, 2019 10:49PM
hector tubens
Great info
Mar 21, 2019 5:15PM
I like it. I'm a westerner; we could stand to adopt some of the eastern principals.
Mar 7, 2019 5:31PM
Ursula Schneider
this is very interesting
Mar 4, 2019 4:16PM
Terry Lee Hammel
So interesting.
Feb 23, 2019 5:12PM


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