What is socially acceptable in the UK, but not in the US?

There are quite a few things but the one that stands out the most for me is giving children independence. In the US it's almost frowned upon, with the exception of some really good parents able to withstand the henpecking from social bullying.

In the UK my child was under the age of 11 when she came to know how to navigate public transport around our city. It’s normal for kids I've seen as young as 8 or 9 to take the public bus, or ride bikes to school without parents.

One of the junior (elementary) schools not far from me had a safe biking campaign. They were encouraging kids as young as 5 to learn how to bike safely. I was quite impressed by this.

I have read comments from the States where people are concerned letting their preteen use the toilet without them. They were hellbent on berating a mom whose little boy of 4 ran into the men's room and asked a man for help washing his hands. Are men automatically predators now?


My children lived less that a quarter of a mile from school in the US. I could see them from my door turn a corner, that's it, they were at school. I had people pull me aside and said they were concerned for their safety when walking. They were 8 and 10 at the time, walking in a safe residential neighborhood together.

The fear-based culture in the US is overwhelming, no one trusts anyone and everyone is divided. Irrational fears translate into automatic bad parenting; because there is a .005% risk of a child abduction, maybe less, you the parent are automatically irresponsible because you are not watching everything they do even when it's age-appropriate

Another one of my favourite socially acceptable things regarding this topic is Penny For The Guy; I love this, I really do. Kids who dress up a dummy and beg for change (“Penny for the guy” they say) so they can buy fireworks and sweets. I always give to them, because I love to see kids being kids and not dragged into some adult hysteria.

In the US CPS would be called on their parents, some outraged good samaritan would be in shock wanting to know who left them there, where are their parents, why are they begging… It would become something that made the news, and the holier-than-thou parents on social media would demand the children be taken away…. All over a non-issue, in good fun. I'm truly surprised Halloween isn't outlawed in the US by now.

We have adventure playgrounds, I love them. My kids can play in a muddy sand and water pit, climb in a donated old boat, build a tower with tyres, and crates. There are even old mattresses and planks of wood. These kids are loving life, these places encourage kids to take risks, team build, have confidence and use their imaginations, and staff (it's free by the way) are encouraged not to interfere.

Could you see American children climbing old tyres in a park? If they even have a park it's usually so safe it's boring, built about a centimetre off the ground.

I think it’s socially acceptable to allow kids to be kids without fear in the UK. I love this approach.

This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.

Do you really think that UK and USA are that different? What examples come to your mind?

#Geography #Society #Quora


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Beverly Knutsen
Jacky Pierce Friedman, We think alike. We long for the ‘Good old days’ - Dodge ball, skate on the sidewalks, kick the can, marbles, jacks, climb trees and more. Use your imagination. Come home when the street lights came on. . . and more.
Jul 12, 2018 1:02AM
Jill Pearson
My Irish Grandmother had a saying: "You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die!" Kids today grow up in a sterile environment, if they are even allowed to get dirty, they're whisked away to be cleaned with a "wipe" or a squirt of hand sanitizer. God forbid they're exposed to the elements. If they look up from their cell phones or game systems that is! Ill ask friends at our beach where their teenage kids are, on the jetski? Nope, inside watching TV or playing on the computer! I long for the good old days!
Jul 21, 2018 6:11PM
Deborah O'Neill
I’m glad I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s.
Nov 5, 2018 8:04PM
Jacky Pierce Friedman
I totally agree with this. Society today has gotten out of hand. When I was growing up we did all the stuff she mentions in the article. Heck. I had a nail through the bottom of my foot 4 times. I was taken to the hospital, given antibiotics, wrapped my foot and went home. We walked several miles to school. Went in bathroos alone. Played outside until the street lights came on. Road our bikes around the neighborhood. Some of my friends lived several miles away. All the neighborhood kids gathred together in the middle of the street and played games. My dad told us how he use to ride the bus and trolley from one states to another alone at 10 years old to visit his grandparents for the weekend. Went out and collected old bike parts to make new bikes and sell them. Nowadays kids don't even go out of the house. Amazing how the world has changed and it's sad.
Jul 11, 2018 1:47AM
The U.S. Is a more dangerous place than it has ever been. Very sad.
Aug 11, 2019 8:32PM
karen twirly
Deborah O'Neill, I always say the best times were the 50's and 60's. Moms were home, streets were safe, neighborhoods stable, war was not imminent. I enjoyed so much freedom. I grieve for my grandkids that see danger everywhere.
Jan 5, 2019 1:48PM
Barb VanDusen
when I grew up I walked to school - it was a mile away - I was aged 6 and had polio so used crutches. Thank God - it gave me confidence and a better sense of independence
Nov 9, 2018 7:14PM
Patricia Rapley
The US has become a nation of “sissies” and “politically correct” morons where kids cannot play “cops and robbers” because, heaven forbid, they have play guns!! Or “cowboys and Indians” because calling a kid an Indian is racist! No tag in the playgrounds, no hide and go seek! It is really pitiful!!
Dec 13, 2018 8:18AM
John Whitney
Your right Americans are too protective and don’t want kids to think for themselves
Nov 26, 2018 6:21PM
Marguerite LaHaye
I'm lucky to have been a free range kid back in the '50s and '60s. My friends and I rode bicycles to school and walked in winter. We walked to the local arena to skate and to the sliding hill to go tobogganing. On days when it was too miserable to play outside, we'd make popcorn and play marathon games of Monopoly.
Jan 1, 2022 11:03AM
In the 1950’s in Calif. as 5 and 6 year old we walked or took the school bus by ourselves. The kids that were driven by Mom were teased for being sissies.
Dec 22, 2024 5:11PM
Marian Spitzig
I am glad my kids are as old as they are. I feel very sorry for today’s children in the US with their overly protective parents.
Jan 12, 2024 10:24PM
L Lh Adams
John Whitney, At 9 or 10 and asked a question,I was rebutted with "figure it out for yourself". After School,on weekends and all Summer,I was kicked out,returning at dark. I learned self-reliance and still am at 70.
Aug 1, 2023 6:19PM
L Lh Adams
karen twirly, "Duck and cover drills",anyone?
Aug 1, 2023 6:15PM
Caroline Weis
I grew up in the country on a farm where my brother and I helped our parents with the work, but we still had time to play and ride bikes. I even climbed trees and went up in the hayloft to search for kittens. We lived on a graveled dirt road and dared to ride down the hill not using the brakes on our bikes. Sometimes we'd wreck and come in with bloody knees or scrapped shins and mom would wash us off apply mecuercrome or iodine put a bandage on and send us out to play some more. This was mid 50's early 60's.
Apr 28, 2023 3:36PM
Elsy O. Stromberg
Begging for money to buy fireworks and sweets doesn't sound O.K. to me. Unfortunately things have changed from when a lot of us grew up and parents need to be more protective of their kids now.
Mar 31, 2023 12:35PM
Betty Wiendels
Pam Tyler, Dad who emigrated from Holland in 1952 said in Canada during 1950s, he did not want to date overweight women of British descent who couldn’t speak Dutch, so he invited Mom who was slim and could speak Dutch to Canada from Holland with his younger brother Gerrit in May 1957 before my parents’ June 29, 1957 wedding in London, Ontario. They were happily married with 7 kids and 19 grandchildren for 49 years until Dad’s July 7, 2006 death @ almost 78. Mom passed away in her sleep @ 75 on Jan 29, 2010.
Jan 21, 2023 12:11PM
Paul Eric Martin
Growing up in the 60's and 70's seems like heaven compared to what kids are exposed to today - no cell phones, no internet, no streaming TV - I actually played outside with friends and we'd get into all sorts of adventures until the street lights came on which was our signal to head home. Today's children have to be stimulated to use their imagination by big Purple Dinasours or Puppets on TV - parents send your kids outside to play - kick a ball around, bounce a basketball - there's a court just up the road from my house and the only people I see there are retirees playing wiffle ball or adult males trying to regain their youth with a basketball game - the swings for kids are rarely used...where has our social society gone let's regain our sense of being a community and stop being isolated by fear of the boogey man
Oct 25, 2022 9:37AM
I don't know where this person got theit info on the US. I see parks and kids playing all the itme. In fact early childhood really pushes play and complains that there isn't enough. There are areas that are dangerous, but there are areas that are safe. The US is a big country and so many different customs and different beliefs. This (Quizzclub) is not a place that country bashing is appropriate!!!!!
Oct 21, 2022 5:16PM
A US bashing from Quora. A new low for QC. My kids are independent, socially well-adjusted and safe. I call that a win.
Oct 21, 2022 1:23PM
Doris Dallaire
Kids nowadays are overprotected until it’s ridiculous. They have no chance to explore their world except on TV or some other screen and all they see is violence (called “action”). No wonder there is so much depression and obesity among children! They aren’t allowed to be kids, are not taught to be responsible for themselves in any way, are made to think they are not capable. Mental illness for them is right around the corner because they never learn to socialize with others, except under strict supervision. Sad state of affairs!
Aug 27, 2022 5:31PM
james parrillo
paolabelle, The child "protection" program is till misguided, God forbid, leaving some children in devastating conditions while dividing other families. Supposedly, in America, people would never lock house doors. I do not think that is the case now. Thank you, Christine, James's wife
Aug 5, 2022 1:39PM
Alex Gouthro
I agree with everything you have said karen twirly,
Jul 22, 2022 9:04PM
Alex Gouthro
Jacky Pierce Friedman, You echo my thoughts, although I only had two nails through my foot. I went to a three-room school (1-3 in one room - 4-6 in the a second room - 7-9 in the third room). When 13 years old I hunted with a 16 gauge shotgun along a river behind the school. In the Fall I brought my shotgun to school, deposited it in the Principal’s room, and picked it up after school to go hunting. Nowadays we would be charged with numerous offences - and would you trust a 13 year old with a firearm today. Wow! Times have changed….
Jul 22, 2022 9:03PM
mariancc, Yes, I sadly agree...even in our little community, the home invasions and carjackings, alone, have gone up, significantly...
Jun 17, 2022 8:36PM


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