10 weirdest hobbies of the US Presidents

The list of the presidential predilections is surprising: here are 10 most curious and astonishing hobbies of the Presidents of the United States, from George Washington’s out-of-town manufacture to Barack Obama’s nerd collection.

U.S. Presidents’ political actions have always been getting into the public eye. But solving global problems and saving the world every day are not the only components of a President’s life. American Presidents also take the opportunity to enjoy life in the moment, even if they are said to hardly find time to sleep!

Do you share a hobby with any of the Presidents? Is there any information you would add to the article?

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
I share the nerd one. I like knowledge and fun quizzes especially when we are shown the answers. Thank you.
Jan 18, 2020 12:04AM
William Farris
Should have mentioned FDR's experiences as a philatelist.
Jun 14, 2020 1:22AM
Amy Miller, Same, here!
Apr 3, 2023 4:26PM
...so Washington ran a rye distillery. Interesting. After the Whiskey Tax Rebellion(s), did he tax his own outfit for producing hard alcohol?
Apr 3, 2023 4:26PM
james parrillo
Chriss Crockford, The White House must have many bathtubs. Even private homes sometimes have a master bathroom and hall bathroom. Thank you, Christine, James's wife
May 15, 2022 7:57PM
Alana King
If sleep results in proper decision making, (which it usually does, it's why we say "sleep on it" before making life-changing ones) then Coolidge was one of the U.S's wisest presidents. Sorry to say, it seems to have depleted over the centuries.
Feb 27, 2022 7:51PM
Linda Madison Leckey, paid for all his degrees just like he had his military records destroyed or covered up.
Jan 17, 2022 8:28PM
Kenneth Jacobs
Well done, I enjoyed reading about presidential pastimes!
Jan 15, 2022 4:53PM
Jack Porter
Most of those don’t seem like hobbies to me.
Dec 27, 2021 5:26PM
Pierre Poirier
Crossword puzzles are not a bizarre hobby
Dec 22, 2021 5:11PM
Martha Frantz Burger
Also a crossword freak. I remember working on Clinton’s puzzle in the NYT.
Dec 19, 2021 8:49PM
Amy Miller
I always thought it was ironic that the man who put down the Whiskey Rebellion became a distiller later. I wonder if he paid his taxes?
Oct 17, 2021 5:07PM
Amy Miller
I like comic books and crosswords. I would have thought it cool to have a mammoth skeleton as I collect fossils, if much smaller ones
Oct 17, 2021 5:05PM
Allison Aspden
Great information. Who would have known?
Sep 16, 2021 7:48PM
Jim Mascair
I don't think Jackson's dueling was a hobby. He must have had a lot of people that did not like him and were willing to put their life on the line.
Dec 19, 2020 9:55PM
Stephen B. Myers
Great info! I love quizzes, this should come in handy! Tks
Jul 1, 2020 7:25PM
Douglas VanLuttervelt
Trump liked golf and a few women to inflate his ego as a hobby.
Jun 29, 2020 6:37PM


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