7 mind-blowing etiquette rules from the past
At all times good manners have been highly valued. However, each generation has its own ideas about what is good and bad. So get ready for unbelievable etiquette rules that may shock you!
Our manners сhanged too much over generations. Some would say modern etiquette rules are too relaxed. However, the etiquette system of old times was not so good as you might think. Try to read these rules without saying "It's absurd!".
#1 Ancient Greece:
Respectable citizens ate lying down while others served them.
#2 Ancient Rome
Before eating people threw the dice and the person with the best score became the manager of the gathering and entertained the audience.
#3 Medieval France:
People drank soup from the bowl, cups were shared and forks were considered to be a tool of the Devil.
#4 Victorian era in British history:
There was a set of strict rules for sea-bathing. Men and women were not allowed to see each other while bathing. So they used a bathing machine to change into swimwear. After that, this device rolled into the sea so no one could see this person in swimwear.
It was considered rude to ask direct questions in public.
Books written by authors of different genders were placed on different shelves.
#7 19th century Russia:
Young women were not allowed to think about anything sad or unpleasant before falling asleep.
I should say we are lucky we don't have such rules!
How do you like it? Do you know any other bizarre etiquette rules in our modern world? Let's discuss them in the comments below!
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