Top 5 unexpected facts about American first ladies
Who wouldn’t fall for the charming looks of the first ladies of the United States? They always look so kept together that it is difficult to imagine that they might have skeletons in their closets...
In this post, we are going to be revealing some unknown facts about some of the past American first ladies. Some of them might come as a big surprise but sit tight, it would be worth it.
#1 Eleanor Roosevelt was a feminist

First lady Eleanor Roosevelt forced newspapers to hire female reporters. She even insisted that only female reporters should be allowed at her conferences. She took the fight for human rights to a new level.
There are rumors that she may have been ‘more than friends’ with one of the female reporters, Lorena Hickok, who was first assigned to cover the first lady in 1932 and later moved next door to her in the white house. Both ladies remained close all through their lives. Don't we just love her?
#2 Florence Harding was accused of murdering the president

This is wild! Florence Harding passed on a year after the death of her husband. FBI agent, Gaston Meat, published a book in 1930 accusing her of killing her husband. Although it was later discovered that the book was fabricated, speculations were made based on how Florence acted after her husband's death.
It was revealed that President William Harding died in a hotel in San Francisco on his way back from a speaking voyage. His wife was reading to him when he convulsed then died. The first lady immediately embalmed her husband’s body, refused an autopsy and burned some of his personal papers. Meat claimed she killed her husband to hide evidence of his infidelity, corruption and bribery.
#3 Lucretia Garfield cared for her husband after he was almost killed

Lucretia and James Garfield’s story is one filled with many twists, turns and potholes. They did not marry out of love, it was more like they had to fulfil duty. The former president once wrote in his diary that his wife bored him. Lucretia was also frustrated with her husband's adultery.
Lucretia was down with malaria and was only just beginning to recover in the Jersey shore when she heard that her husband was shot by an assassin. She bravely returned to the White House and nursed him, not leaving his side until he passed away.
#4 Anna Harrison never acted as first lady

Anna Harrison fell sick just after her husband became president of the US. Her daughter-in-law had to perform the first lady duties during that time. When Anna got better, and was ready to leave for the white house, news of her husband's death hit her.
Sadly, William Harrison who died after a month in office was the first president to die in office. He also had the briefest term.
#5 Dolley Madison had a seat in congress

This first lady is one of our favorites because she set the bar on what the duties of a first lady should be. In 1844, before women were given the right to vote, she had an honorary seat in congress. She enjoyed listening to the debates of the Members of the House of Representatives. She was loved by the members of congress too.
You'd agree that there's a lot going behind the scenes, but that's a subtle reminder that beyond the office these persons are still humans and have their personal lives and issues to deal with.
Do you know any other interesting or shocking facts about American first ladies? Tell us in the comments!
If you really enjoyed this article, check our these unexpected stories about the first ladies from all over the world.
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