It's never too late - incredible story of the world's oldest gymnast

age Story: It's never too late - incredible story of the world's oldest gymnast

There are lots of people who believe that age can be an excuse of giving up dreams. Look at this outstanding example of a 93-year-old woman (as of 2019) who dedicated her life to sports.

Devoted to Johanna's 90 anniversary, this video may make you cry:


Has the story changed the way you feel about yourself? What do you think about this brave woman? Can't wait to see your response!

Share this incredibly inspiring article with your precious friends!

#age #inspiration


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Diane Thompson
Wow! You go, girl! So awesome! What an example for my 62-year-old overweight body. Time to do something about it! Thank you so much for sharing. May the Lord richly bless her all the days of her beautiful life!
Oct 3, 2019 8:05AM
Tal Segal
Nov 2024. Johanna is 98 now!!! (Still alive and hopefully, well)
Nov 16, 2024 4:54AM
Penny Mountain
I wish. She is awesome
Jan 3, 2018 3:20AM
Marguerite LaHaye
What an inspiration to those of us who would love to be fit but think we’re to old or too feeble to start. Johanna is proof that the human body has the power to regenerate.
Dec 21, 2017 8:17PM
Gail Sherman
Totally right attitude. I want to be like her when I am 91.
Dec 12, 2017 10:06AM
Cool, awesome lady!!
Dec 11, 2017 11:39PM
Marianne Frederick Halterman
Thrilling. There is hope for us all if we will only get off our duffs and exercise, eat right and inspire others!
Dec 10, 2017 8:49AM
Lisa Soles
Heck, I couldn't do that when I was a kid! She's amazing!
Dec 10, 2017 12:30AM
Cathie Roth Lonnquist
What a beautiful woman - inside and out.
Dec 9, 2017 10:41PM
Sandra Rose Elash Monasterski
Beautiful she is an inspiration to everyone. Loved the videos. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Dec 9, 2017 4:53PM
Barbara Glasper
She is really strong for her age
Dec 8, 2017 11:29PM
Barbara Glasper
Linda Spreng, BLESSED!!!
Dec 8, 2017 11:28PM
Erin Eldridge
Fantastic woman, an example for us all. Doesn't mean I'm getting off the couch anytime soon.
Dec 8, 2017 8:51PM
Vladimir Orozco
This lady is an inspiration to all of us that are no longer in our twenties, fourties or even sixties.
Dec 8, 2017 6:56PM
Linda Spreng
May God let her enjoy her earth time for many years to come. Her joy shows in her moves and on her face. She's a lucky lady.
Dec 8, 2017 6:26PM


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