5 animals named after other animals
Scientists' unique ability to give things misleading names is taken to a hilarious level when they start naming animals after other animals. Here are five examples.
#1 Bat falcon
Bat falcons are named after their source of food - the bat. This bird will scan the skies for its preferred prey and dive to catch it in mid-flight.
However, it seems that only the females hunt the bats. The males of the species are smaller and prefer insects to mammals.
#2 Elephant shrew
This is an interesting example of an animal that seems to be named so because of its appearance, but isn’t. At least not entirely.
This little rodent gets his name not only because of it’s big nose - which resembles an elephant's trunk. But, as elephant shrews are actually not true shrews, it turns out they are closer genetically to elephants than shrews!
#3 Camel spider
The camel spider is said to feast on the stomachs of camels. And although it’s large and looks very intimidating, it has no such intentions.
These arachnids simply love the shade and sometimes a camel’s large body is as good as any tree!
#4 Antelope squirrel
And then there are animal names that are purely confusing! The antelope squirrel looks nothing like its namesake. However, these little chipmunk-like creatures are impressive in their own right.
They are desert dwellers who can withstand both high and low temperatures and they’re even okay with hypothermia.
#5 Giraffe weevil
The giraffe weevil is aptly named. Their necks can be almost three times longer than their bodies!
The males have longer necks that the females and they mostly use them for fighting over territory and breeding opportunities.
Mushrooms also often have ridiculous and funny names – check them out here (most of them look weird too).
Which of these names is the most confusing? Do you know any other animals with funny or misleading names?
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