Fantastic mushrooms that don't look like mushrooms at all
Our forests hide many bizarre and funny-looking fungi, but many of us have never seen these wonderful creations by Mother Nature. Let’s discover the strangest of them right now!
#1 Hericium erinaceus

Its fruit body is about 20 cm in diameter and consists of myriads of fleshy needles more than 1 cm long. The mushroom is native to North America, Europe and Asia. Being nontoxic and edible it is widely used in medicine, especially in traditional Asian medicine. In China, for example, it is grown commercially and can be found in many grocery stores.
#2 Devil’s Tooth

#3 Laccaria amethystine or Amethyst Deceiver

Amethyst Deceiver can be found in forests of Europe, Asia, Central and South America, and in the western part of North America. Usually, it appears at the end of summer. The fungus is classified as an edible mushroom though its taste is not very good.
#4 Chorioactis geaster

Biologists do not know for sure why the species grows only in Texas and Japan which are located approximately on the same longitude. In 2004, scientists compared the genes of mushrooms from these two places and came to the conclusion that they were separated from each other about 19 million years ago.
#5 Phallus indusiatus

The fungus body can grow as high as 25 cm. Its conic cap is covered with green or brown slime which contains spores.
In spite of the resemblance between this mushroom and the extremely poisonous mushrooms of the genus Amanita, the former is edible. It is rich in nutrients and antioxidants.
#6 Giant puffball

Young and white puffballs are edible and their taste resembles that of tofu. However, mature yellow and brownish mushrooms may cause indigestion because of billions of spores that start ripening inside their fleshy bodies.
#7 Latticed stinkhorn

Latticed Stinkhorn has a stinking odor very similar to the smell of rotten meat which helps to attract insects and thus, to spread the spores.
#8 Starfish Fungus

And what do you think about that? Do you have any interesting facts to share? If so, tell us in the comments below, please!
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