Try to spot them - wonderful examples of camouflaged animals

I have just found a list of animals that are absolute champions in hiding. Try to spot these creatures!

Mother-nature is super creative and careful. She gave these animals perfect camouflages to hide from predators and save their lives. They mix with the surrounding background and it becomes really difficult to spot them even for a person's catching eye. Take a look at these 15 pictures that show these camouflaged animals in their usual environment. Try to find them!

Have you found all the animals? What do you think about their camouflages? Share your opinion in the comments below.

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#animals #Nature


What are your thoughts on this subject?
I had to look up two of them because the pictures didn't load. Mother nature is amazing! Some I had to look really close in order to see them.
Mar 7, 2024 1:53PM
Some of the pics were not available
Jan 21, 2022 4:48PM
Isn't nature amazing.
Sep 21, 2021 6:53AM
Isn't nature amazing?! The only ones that I saw had their eyes open, otherwise I wouldn't have seen them.
Dec 25, 2020 9:19PM
Ilias Tsiabardas
Very good Camouflage !!!!that's the miracle of Nature
Jan 29, 2020 7:33PM
Patsy Creaven
4 were difficult
Jul 12, 2019 2:07AM
Margaret Mackenzie
Saw them all but couldn’t find the way to say so
May 28, 2019 5:57PM
Only one picture came up. Where are #2-15?
May 1, 2019 9:43AM
Robert Mookerdum
The camouflage of these beautiful creatures still does not protect them from one most thoughtless and heartless predator, the Human species.We don't destroy them individually but en-masse by destroying their habitats with our greed and so called technology.Theodore Kasczinsky was right in so many ways.
Dec 8, 2018 4:56PM
Krishna Mohan Mishra
Difficult to spot but fascinating to see.
Nov 12, 2018 7:18AM
Gay Rowe
Very cool creatures.
Jul 23, 2018 2:45AM
Ann Lomax
Very interesting creatures....if you weren't looking for them they would o unseen.
Jun 24, 2018 11:38PM
Anita Harris
Found them all. The spider was the hardest to find.
May 27, 2018 5:04PM
Gloria Rowe
Wonderfully camerflaged
May 18, 2018 6:12PM
did find them all, but the last moth was the hardest to find
May 5, 2018 1:00PM


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