Snowflakes – close-up pictures and little-known facts
These tiny snow crystals are thought to be one of the finest and most beautiful creations of nature. Whether you like winter and snow or not, these 6 amazing snowflake facts might surprise you.
#1 Technically, they are not white

All snow crystals are translucent. As the light is reflected in different directions by many sides of a snowflake, snow usually appears white to us.
#2 Different types of snowflakes appear depending on the environment

All snowflakes have six ams or dendritic structure. When it comes to the form, the air temperature is the main factor. Needle-like crystals appear at about -2 C (28 F), while plate-like snowflakes are more likely to be formed at -5 C (23 F). The final form also depends on humidity.
#3 Snow can be classified as a mineral

Technically, snow can qualify as a mineral: it's naturally occurring, it's a single material, it's formed inorganically and it has an ordered structure.
Do you know what photographer captured over 5,000 images of snowflakes in his lifetime?
#4 35 types of snowflakes exist

Main shapes are:
- needle;
- rime;
- plate;
- column.
Other, more complicated combinations, are based on them.
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#5 The largest recorded snowflake measured measured 15 inches (38 cm) wide

In 1887, it was found in the state of Montana.
#6 There are identical snowflakes

In fact, it's hard to say if the phrase "every snowflake is unique" is true or false: snowflakes that look the same can exist, but they will still have differences at the molecular level.
Do you think snow is beautiful? Which of these facts about snowflakes did you like the most?
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