If the Moon is gradually moving farther away from us, will it eventually go away?

The Moon is receding from the Earth, but will not continue to do so forever. We have to consider why the Moon is moving away at around 1.5 inches (3.78 cm) per year - a force is necessary to cause that.

The Moon exerts a tidal force on the Earth, causing a bulge. But, because the Earth rotates, that bulge is not directly between the Earth and Moon. It is slightly in front. That bulge has a gravitational pull on the Moon, causing it to move forward, slightly faster.

Causing the moon to move slightly faster results in it climbing very slowly to a higher orbit. The Moon climbs higher by about 3.78 cm, per year. But, since we just said that the force is gravitational and we know that gravity decreases with distance, we know that the force will also decrease with distance.


That means the rate at which the Moon recedes will decrease with time. But there’s more to it than that. A force acts upon both bodies. While the impact on the Moon is causing it to recede, the impact on the Earth is that it is being caused to slow its rotation. The day is getting longer.

Eventually, the length of the day will match the orbital period of the Moon. That means both bodies will be tidally locked - meaning the same part of the Earth will always face the same part of the Moon. And if that happens, there is no longer a leading bulge and thus no longer a force causing the Moon to move away.

This would happen when the orbital period of the Moon is about 47 days. That would put the Moon at a distance of about 550,000 km; less than half as far again as it is today. In other words, not very far.

However, it will take a long time for that to happen. In the meantime, the Sun will turn into a red giant and its outer layers will extend to where Mars is, today, meaning Earth, the Moon, and every In-N-Out restaurant will have been swallowed up and turned into loose atoms.

This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.

Did you know that the Moon is slowly moving away from the Earth?

#Science #Quora


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Cindy Ursan
By then, humans will have set up colonies on other planets and slowly destroy them too…
Feb 4, 2022 12:24AM
Any trip to Mars, or farther, will be a one way trip!
Jul 20, 2024 5:13PM
Jim Mascair
That will be the last great extinction.
Apr 5, 2023 6:45PM
Charles Currie
That’s a happy thought, but none of us will be there when it happens. Question, has the Moon moved away and come back before?
Dec 13, 2022 5:38AM
Elsy O. Stromberg
David Heinz, That's not what most of us believe. I've never heard your idea that God's throne will be on Earth. That is pretty radical!
Sep 25, 2022 1:22PM
Terry Topey
Cindy Ursan, why would you say that? The science just said Earth will be destroyed naturally.
Jun 25, 2022 5:05PM
Bob Bracegirdle
James Klingenberg, Dead right. Just think how the Earth would precess and rock.
Feb 3, 2022 4:12PM
David Heinz
If you believe God’s and Jesus Christ’s words in the Holy Bible, the end of earth 🌎 as we know it, will never happen, because it will be Heaven on Earth, with God’s throne here on Earth.
Jan 12, 2022 10:36PM
David Heinz
What hills?Johnny Gio,
Jan 12, 2022 10:27PM
gloria dolan
Johnny Gio, lol
Jul 25, 2021 12:24AM
Johnny Gio
Jun 8, 2021 5:10PM
Irma Rivera, so that was wrong again - another mistake by the people who wrote the Bible some 75 years after Jesus death!
Feb 10, 2020 4:32PM
Olney Ford, Prophets we’re old drunk men wandering in the Dessert for 40 days and 40 Nights talking to God. You try it. You go walking in the Dessert for 40 days and 40 nights .... you’ll be talking to Elvis - I guarantee it!
Feb 10, 2020 4:30PM
Susan Golebiewski
Very scientific & interesting.
Feb 1, 2020 8:46PM
John McManus
Thats right-Cheer us all up, why dontcha?
Dec 25, 2019 4:19PM


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