Shake your brain by solving these 10 short riddles

Solving short riddles is one of the best brain exersices. Have fun and try to solve these 10 simple brainteasers.
Click on the picture to see the right answer.

A man in a wheelchair.


49 lbs

The right answer is 6.
Each circle is equal to one. For example, 6 has one circle and 999 has three circles.

She was born on February 29th.

A shadow.

The Moon.

It was $4.50 per leg, so the right answer is $18

They were born at the same moment but in different time zones which were far enough apart that it was a different date.

The answer is in the question.
How many did you get right? Was this easy? Which one is your favorite? Do you have any other short riddles to share with us?
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