Some false facts that many people believe

There are facts that we consider as true ones without checking whether it is really so. Take a look at these 7 misbeliefs and say if you also considered them to be true.

Do you have something to add or discuss? You are welcome to do so in the comments below! And remember to share it with your friends!

#Science #Society


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Kim B Ley
I know one thing, bullfighting is cruel!
Dec 1, 2018 1:29AM
Betty Whelan
I think bull fighting is brutal and should be stopped
Dec 31, 2018 12:35AM
Mia Broekman
Bull fighting is barbaric and it should not be allowed!
Dec 31, 2018 11:48PM
Bob Canter
“False fact” is an oxymoron. If it’s “false,” then it is NOT a fact! A fact is true!
Dec 29, 2018 5:47PM
Donna Carder-Kummer
I think bullfighting should be outlawed by all countries!!
Mar 25, 2019 11:08PM
Anita Harris
If they did to the bullfighter what they do to the bull the sport would die out due to cruel and unusual punishment.
May 26, 2019 9:15PM
Judi Hanan
I agree that bullfighting needs to stop. It is cruel to an animal. Some traditions are bad!
Sep 28, 2021 1:29AM
Gail Cusack
Bull fighting is very cruel, barbaric and senseless. How some people can get a thrill or excited about seeing an animal killed or dying is unbelievable. It is not a sport, it is pure cruelty and should be banned World wide.
Aug 14, 2022 1:43AM
Helga U. Williams
Look at the brutal picture. The animal with lances in its back and the "hero" standing there with a piece of cloth taunting it. Barbarian like the Roman "sports" in the Coliseum! Shame, Shame Shame! 😡
Jun 8, 2023 3:56PM
I knew about #1and 7.
Mar 1, 2023 12:28AM
Kim B Ley, Amen to that.
Mar 1, 2023 12:28AM
bina sarmah
Elsy O. Stromberg, Too much running is not good. It gives joint pain.
Oct 18, 2022 9:27PM
Elsy O. Stromberg
They say running is not useful and then they contradict themselves by saying it makes you healthy. It can be good for you, but it doesn't make you healthy.
Oct 12, 2022 10:54AM
Hernan Pons
cwisconsin, matadors
Jun 19, 2022 4:15PM
Fred Mayes
Merle McClure, yep, and unless we have a rocket ship we can't escape from the earth either. Might as well stay here.
Oct 14, 2021 10:34AM
Keith Richard Mears
Most of those false facts are not facts at all, just someone's opinion on a fact.
Mar 15, 2020 12:49AM
Where do you think they get burgers from?
Aug 15, 2019 4:53PM
Carol Yankovich
Cleared up some misconceptions. Thank you.
Jun 15, 2019 9:06PM
Kevin McCaffrey
So called facts are constantly being proved wrong and being replaced with new facts, it's a fact 🤔
Jun 13, 2019 3:25AM
Ray Zagata
#4 if U eat the sand in the desert you gonna die... If U eat the ice in Antartica you will live longer , But most likely freeze to death.. pick your poison ....
May 29, 2019 12:42PM


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