Some unBEElievable facts about bees

How much do you know about bees? They can sting so painful! However, their honey is so sweet and good for health. Well, that's not all you need to know about them. Let's find out more!

Have you heard about these facts? Do you treat bees differently now? Tell us in comments!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Helen Dakin
Everyone in my area poisons the clover. I don't know why.
Oct 31, 2023 5:00PM
Doris Dallaire
I love to see bees around in my garden and it really bothers me that people still use chemicals that are killing bees. We humans never learn!
Aug 28, 2022 9:10PM
Pierre Poirier
Threatening the survival of bees is endangering our own species. Not “ sapiens “ at all
Jan 5, 2022 4:43PM
Chong Foi Yun
The widespread use of pesticides fungicides and other chemicals threaten the survival of bees. If they go, so will plants and human who would die of hunger
Dec 26, 2021 6:32PM
Love bees and we need to protect them!
Jan 28, 2020 7:13PM
Jim Adams
I keep bees, their honey works wonders for seasonal allergies. However the bees that make the Hallucinogenic honey is news to me. makes me wonder what kind of honey comes from opium poppies.
Jan 8, 2020 10:14PM
hector tubens
Interesting info
Apr 21, 2019 11:01PM
Kathryn Cavanagh
My Dad instilled in me the love for bees, have never been afraid of them, been stung only once in spite of freely handling them when only 11 or 12 years of age. Stung because I did not see the bee land on my skirt and brushed it in passing. Am highly allergic as it turned out !! Still have the love and total respect my Dad instilled in me, but am more cautious now .Without these wonderful creatures, man will perish, our food will disappear, and finish.
Mar 28, 2019 8:47PM
Chrissy Krainock Luders
Very beelievable. ;)
Mar 27, 2019 4:38PM
Marg Edwards
Fascinating facts
Nov 23, 2018 5:43PM
Rsal Invictus
An additional knowledge. Keep going, please.
Jun 10, 2018 9:23AM
Maria Rezul
Also they are used in the health, for rheumatic therapies.It's great.
Jun 5, 2018 8:34PM
John Puza
This Bee very interesting!!!
May 24, 2018 11:01AM
Bees are so intelligent, important and worthy of saving!
May 7, 2018 1:21AM
Amar Dhillon
Amazing bees, make it possible for so many herbivores and us to survive. We owe so much to these industrious little creature.
Apr 24, 2018 9:16PM


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